Non-smoking Policy


  1. The Smoke-Free Illinois Act became effective January 1, 2008. The Act mandates Illinois facilities are smoke free with very few exceptions. The Act also prohibits outdoor smoking within 15 feet of building entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes.
  2. The University is smoke free in all University owned buildings and vehicles. “No smoking” signs are posted at all entrances, exits and throughout all university buildings as required by the act. Bradley University prohibits the use of any vaporizers within campus facilities.
  3. The amendment of the Illinois Cigarette Tax Act became effective July 1, 2019. The amendment mandates 21 years of age as the minimum legal age to purchase and use any tobacco products.


Students who violate University policy associated with smoking may be subject to University conduct sanctions

Questions and Last Updated

Please direct questions to Ryan Bair. Last updated on 1/15/2021.

Ryan Bair

Ryan Bair

Executive Director, Residential Living and Student Conduct

    Sisson Hall 109
    (309) 677-2697