Housing Regulations

On-campus Housing

All full-time first and second-year students must live in the residence halls, except those second-year students who reside in sorority or fraternity houses. The only exceptions are:

  • Veterans
  • Those who are 21 years of age by September 1 of the current academic year
  • Those who live with nearby, immediate relatives (sister or brother who are non-Bradley students, aunt, uncle, parents, grandparents) within a 40-mile radius of campus
  • Cases involving documented medical reasons that accommodations cannot be made for within the residence halls
  • Part-time undergraduate students may live in the residence halls.

Please see Residence Hall Agreement for more details.

Appeals to Housing Requirements

Fraternity and Sorority Housing

Students requesting to live in fraternity or sorority housing and appeal the two-year on campus residence requirement should reference the policy found here.

Other Housing

Students requesting to live off campus and appeal the two-year on campus residence requirement may not have received more than one conduct sanction., Students may appeal this policy decision through the Executive Director of Residential Living and Student Conduct.

Overnight Guests

Students may have guests stay in their room. The University reserves the right to limit the frequency of guests’ visits. There is no charge for guests, but the guest must be sponsored by a resident and the resident must make the arrangements with their Resident Advisor and must have a roommate’s consent. Guests must observe all regulations of the Residence Hall system, and guests are the responsibility of the resident.

Off-campus Housing

Students residing off campus are subject to the same city ordinances and state housing laws as other Peoria residents. The University supports the enforcement of all city and state ordinances and encourages all students to be knowledgeable of the law. Additionally, all students living off-campus are subject to the University's Conduct Policy.

Co-Ed Housing

As is appropriate, Residential Living and Student Conduct will make decisions on the use of residence halls and their floors by gender. There will be no residence hall assignments or student apartment complex leases made where members of the opposite gender will be assigned to live together in the same room.

Open Housing

The open housing floor provides residence hall living space for all gender identities, including trans and gender nonconforming students, as well as allies. Students may share a room with anyone of their preference, regardless of sex or gender identity. It is not intended for students in an intimate relationship. Residents of this residence hall floor will share a communal bathroom with stalls and showers similar to other residence hall floors. The open housing floor will function like other floors in terms of programming and residence hall policies. The open housing model seeks to create an environment that’s inclusive and celebrates diversity.

Health and Safety

For the health and safety of residents and guests, the behaviors outlined below are strictly prohibited:

  1. Unauthorized access or use of residential facility roofs
  2. Tampering with fire safety or other safety equipment, this includes, but is not limited to, tampering with or covering smoke detectors and/or carbon monoxide detectors
  3. Possessing or storing flammable decorations, appliances, a gas engine vehicle or any form of combustible fuel and/or other property that may be deemed a fire hazard
  4. Causing a fire or false alarm in or about a residential community
  5. Failing to respond and evacuate appropriately, if required, at the sounding of the fire alarm system
  6. Improper disposal or collection of trash or debris that could lead to room/suite entry obstruction, unsanitary hazardous conditions and/or fire safe hazards.

Entering Resident’s Rooms

Residential Living & Student Conduct may enter a residence hall room or apartment for health and safety concerns.

Residential Living & Student Conduct may investigate and enter residence hall rooms or apartments for a possible drug policy violation based on reasonable evidence. Reasonable evidence of drug policy violation includes, but is not limited to, presence of cannabis odor or smoke, drug paraphernalia, plant cultivation, attempts to mask scents such as fans, towels near or under doors, open windows, etc.

Residential Living Posting Policy

Residential Living and Student Conduct may remove posted language or imagery from Bradley residence hall and apartment interior and exterior areas that may be considered offensive or discriminatory.


Students who violate University policy associated with housing may be subject to University conduct sanctions

Questions and Last Updated

Please direct questions to Ryan Bair. Last updated on 1/15/2021.

Ryan Bair

Ryan Bair

Executive Director, Residential Living and Student Conduct

    Sisson Hall 109
    (309) 677-2697