Standards of Conduct

The following is a summary of possible unacceptable individual or group behaviors. This summary is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of all possible infractions, but to provide a foundation for sanctioning.  Individual students or groups engaging in these behaviors on or off campus may be held accountable through the student conduct process and subject to conduct sanctions.


  1. Dishonesty. This includes but is not limited to the falsification of any paper, project, test, examination, application, recommendation, grades or transcript, by means of cheating or plagiarism; the illegitimate acquisition of honors, awards, certification or professional endorsements, degrees, and academic credits; knowingly providing false information or failure to provide correct information; misrepresentation; aiding or abetting another person to do so, or by any other dishonest means.
  2. Forgery. This includes but is not limited to the use of another person’s name, personal identification, credit documents, student ID numbers, telephone numbers, or computer accounts and alteration for misuse of Bradley University documents or records of identification.
  3. Disruption of the Learning Environment. This includes but is not limited to any act or conduct which threatens to disrupt the educational process or other legitimate function of the University or which endangers the health, safety, or property of any individual or group of individuals such as unauthorized interference with access, obstruction; or causing the disruption of teaching, study, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, athletics, or other University activities, including its public service functions, or of other authorized activities on University premises, or inciting others to commit such acts; or indecent, obscene, or inappropriately loud conduct, expressions, or actions.  
  4. Discrimination. Discrimination against any member of a protected class. Publicly displaying discriminatory words and/or images on campus is prohibited. For further details, please refer to the university's Nondiscrimination Statement.
  5. Alcohol. This includes but is not limited to the use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by law or University policy; including the sale of items or the receiving of donations to cover the cost of alcoholic beverages without a liquor license;
  6. Controlled Substances. This includes but is not limited to the use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of non-prescribed possession of controlled substances such as amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, illegal narcotics, marijuana/cannabis, hallucinogen, or other controlled substances including "date rape drugs," or use or possession of drug paraphernalia, or the trafficking and serving of substances misrepresented as drugs to other persons. The possession or use of medicinal or recreational marijuana/cannabis in any form is prohibited on campus.
  7. Possession of Unauthorized Property. This includes but is not limited to the possession of lost or stolen goods, unauthorized possession or duplication of any University key, theft, forgery
  8. Damage to Property. This includes defacing, littering, or damage to property of the University, or theft or damage to property of a student, faculty member, employee, or organization of Bradley University or of a campus visitor
  9. University Policy Violations.  This includes but is not limited to violating published University policies or campus regulations, housing regulations, campus regulations, the registration of student organizations and organization officers, the use of University facilities, and noise policies.   
  10. Sexual Misconduct. This includes but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any person on or connected with the campus or at any University sponsored or supervised function or event. (Note, sexual misconduct may follow different hearing procedures and hearing procedures will be provided directly to student(s).)  
  11. Threats and Abuse. Assaulting, threatening, threatening behavior, physically abusing, hazing, harassing, or endangering in any other manner the health or safety of any person or any University sponsored or supervised function or events. Threatening behavior includes any statement, communication, conduct, or gesture, including those in written form, that causes a reasonable apprehension of harm to a person or property. Threatening behavior may impact the person who is the object of the threat even if the person does not observe or receive it, so long as a reasonable person would interpret the maker’s statement, communication, conduct, or gesture as a expression of intent to harm. Hazing includes but is not limited to, any behavior and/or acts of servitude that is designed or intended to humiliate, degrade, embarrass, harass, or ridicule an individual, or that which a reasonable person would deem harmful or potentially harmful to an individual’s physical, emotional, or psychological wellbeing, as an actual or perceived condition of new or continued affiliation with any organization, and/or team. Hazing also includes knowingly or recklessly engaging in such behavior and/or acts.
  12. Gambling. This includes but is not limited betting on, wagering on, or selling pools on any athletic event; possessing on one’s person or premises (e.g., room, residence unit, car) any card, book or other device for registering bets; knowingly permitting the use of one’s premises or one’s telephone or other electronic communications device for illegal gambling;
  13. Unauthorized use of Facilities. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities, including the use of University equipment (such as telephones, computers, internet linkage) or facilities (such as residence halls, fraternity/sorority houses, academic buildings, etc.) in such a manner that violates federal, state or local laws including sales, fund raising, donation, or any solicitation of funds except as authorized through the Director of Student Activities.
  14. Fire Alarms. This includes but is not limited to tampering with, disabling, or unnecessarily setting off a fire alarm, fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler, AED devices, etc.
  15. Failure to Comply. This includes but is not limited to the failure to comply with directives of University administrative officials acting in the performance of their duties.