Presentation Assistance Center Tutors
The Presentation Assistance Center Tutors are undergraduate students with training in communication and providing constructive feedback. Below are their bios so you can meet the tutors before you even come to the Center.

Nyah Burnett
Hey y’all! I’m Nyah Burnett, but my friends call me Riri! I’m currently double majoring in English and Political Science, with double minors in Professional Writing and Pre-Law. My goal is to become a Family Law attorney, where strong communication skills are absolutely crucial.

Kelsey Hudson
Hi! My name is Kelsey Hudson. I am a current sophomore at Bradley University. I am a double major in Criminology and Psychology. I enjoy trying new things and meeting new people. Public speaking has always been a major part of my life and I hope to continue to encourage others to use their voice!

Morgan Stephens
My name is Morgan (Mo) Stephens. I am a sophomore Criminology major with minors in Women and Gender Studies and Legal Studies. At Bradley, I am a part of Chi Omega, the pre-law club, and the book club. I plan on going to law school after Bradley and want to work as a prosecutor. I love public speaking and cannot wait to help you become comfortable speaking in the classroom!