Course Registration
STEP 1: Advising
Academic advisement at Bradley is decentralized, meaning that all students are assigned a faculty advisor in the major in which they are currently declared. If a student changes their major, they will be assigned a new academic advisor. Most students are assigned a temporary advisor in their major department until shortly after the semester begins. The advisor will usually be changed within the first two weeks of your term of entry.
Advisors help students to define academic and career goals, provide course planning assistance, clarification of academic policies and regulations, and provide awareness and guidance to those interested in studying abroad or in registering an internship for credit with the Smith Career Center. Advisors also work with students who have questions about transferring credit into Bradley University.
Contact your Academic Advisor Prepare for Advising AdvisingSTEP 2: Registration
All students will register online using the web registration system, MyBradley. MyBradley is a program that allows students to register for classes, access their u.Achieve, change or add cell phone numbers and home address, determine their academic advisor(s), identify holds on registration or grades and more.
Before new transfer students begin their first term at Bradley University, they will have a "New Transfer Advising" hold placed on their registration, preventing them from adding any classes to their schedule before speaking with their academic advisor.
Prepare for Registration