
Bradley University uses standardized stationery items for all departments to ensure consistency and uniformity with the university’s brand standards; it also helps reduce costs. No other letterhead, envelope or business card designs may be used for official university business or communications unless approved by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Business Cards

A Bradley business card should include university business information only. Your name, title, college/department/office, street address, city, state, zip code and office telephone number need to be on all business cards. Additional information including cell-phone number, 800-number, fax number or URL may be included if it has direct application to university business and it fits within the maximum number of lines of information allowed.

Front and Back

Business Card Front and Back

To place a business card order, send your information to your department ordering contact who will place the order for you. Turnaround is typically one week, and the cards will be delivered directly to your office. Please do not order new business cards until you have used up your current supply.

Additional Items

Some small quantity Bradley-branded stationery items may be ordered through General Services, including:

  • blank notecard sets with the Bradley logo on the front (notecard and envelope)
  • large return address labels
  • self-adhesive name tags
  • standard letterhead
  • standard business envelopes
  • standard business window envelopes

To order these items, email Jayne Dant, General Services Supervisor, at with the item name, quantity, delivery address and account number to bill.