Programmatic Details

Please select the What To Bring tab for a listing of overnight bedding and other essentials needed for your session.

Otherwise, review programmatic information about student orientation roommates and other details such as parking and guest policies below.


During June/July sessions, check-in on arrival day is between 10am-12 noon and will begin at University Hall, 1307 W. Bradley Avenue. For the final session in August, check-in will take place on August 20, from 9am-12 noon just inside Bradley Hall, 814 N. Tobias Lane. Especially in August, if travel plans allow, it is recommended to arrive earlier so you/your student has time to complete the check-in process, claim their photo ID in the library, obtain their room key in their assigned residence hall and begin moving into their room. For all sessions, the Orientation opening kickoff begins at 1pm. View the campus map. A PDF document is at the bottom of the campus map link.

Guest Policy

You are permitted to register up to four parents/guest/supporters to attend your session with you.

Siblings 17 years old and under cannot attend an orientation session without a parent/supporter.

Orientation Roommates

During June/July sessions, students can request to room with another student that is attending the same orientation session on the reservation form. If you did not request your preferred roommate for the June/July sessions, you both can show up at the same time and ask if a single room is still available and we will try to assign you both then. Otherwise, students will be randomly assigned a random overnight roommate. For the August session, students will be living with the student they were assigned for the fall. If that student is not attending the August session, they will be move-in during move-in weekend.


Parking restrictions include parking in front of a fire hydrant or a disability parking sign, unless you have a valid permit displayed. Campus signage will direct you to the Duryea Parking Deck. Students may want to consider leaving their belongings in their vehicle until they have completed the check in process, obtained their campus ID in the library and obtained their room key at the residence hall they were assigned for both the June/July and final August session.

Session Start and Ending Times

The program will begin at approximately 1pm on the first day with lunch on your own.

The program will conclude on the second day by no later than 4pm during the June/July sessions and by 3pm in August.

Students & Supporters

Students and parents/supporters will not always be together. Please plan accordingly for car keys, money, clothing, etc.