Course Descriptions

MTG 150 - Marketing in A Dynamic World (1.5 hours)
Introduction to various marketing careers as they relate to key issues in marketing; new product development, advertising, customer service, marketing research, public relations, distribution/logistics, professional selling and retail management. An emphasis is placed on experimental learning and the development of presentational, team building, and other marketing-related skills. Prerequisite: Freshmen or sophomore standing only; or consent of department chair. Not open to students with previous or concurrent enrollment in MTG 315.

MTG 205 - Marketing Presentations (1.5 hours)
Conducting background research, developing an effective marketing presentation, exposure to presentation software packages, and making oral marketing presentations; sales presentations, background information on specific companies, competitive analysis, target market presentations, presentation of a marketing plan. Prerequisite: COM 103; marketing majors only; sophomore or junior standing only; or consent of department chair.

MTG 304 - Professional Selling (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Selling-buying process. Selling strategies from the perspective of a professional customer problem-solving approach. Practical exposure to selling concepts, problems, and techniques in a variety of selling situations. Prerequisite: 42 credit hours

MTG 315 - Principles of Marketing (3 hours)
Elements of a comprehensive marketing plan and their interrelationships. Determination of product, pricing, promotion, and channel strategy: analysis, planning, and control of marketing strategy in a socially and ethically responsible manner. Emphasis on improving decision making in a dynamic external environment. Prerequisite: Junior standing or 42 credit hours and Marketing major

MTG 330 - Financial Services Marketing (3 hours)
Examination of the increasing use of marketing techniques in the financial services industry and the changing environment of financial services. Course is structured around the core marketing principles of buyer behavior, segmentation, product development, distribution, pricing, and promotion, as well as topics such as relationship marketing, customer loyalty, and technological developments. Designed for students with an interest in banking, insurance, securities, and other financial services industries. Cross-listed with FIN 330. Prerequisite: FIN 322, MTG 315.

MTG 341 - Marketing Research I (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data related to marketing of goods and services. Choice of research design, methods of data collection, survey sampling, analysis and interpretation of data, and preparing the research report. Prerequisite: Marketing major, QM 262, MTG 315; or consent of department chair.

MTG 346 - International Marketing (3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Marketing decisions, strategies, and operations of companies in international business. Elements of an integrated global marketing program. Foreign market potential analysis; alternative entry and expansion strategies; standardization vs. adaptation of product and promotion strategies; pricing, distribution, and sourcing strategies in global operations. Prerequisite: MTG 315. A student may not receive credit for both MTG 346 and I B 407 and 408.

MTG 350 - Consumer Behavior (3 hours)
Behavioral science concepts applicable to the understanding of consumer decision making: personality, perception, and group and cultural influences. How these concepts can be used to develop more effective marketing strategies. Prerequisite: MTG 315.

MTG 360 - Product and Price Strategy (3 hours)
Managerial aspects of pricing and product policies and strategies. Methods used and factors considered in developing and updating product line and pricing decisions in industrial and consumer products. Pricing and product line objectives, product planning and evaluation, establishing product line distribution, environmental factors affecting product and pricing strategies, and quantitative aspects of product line and pricing decisions. Prerequisite: QM 262, MTG 315.

MTG 381 - Integrated Marketing Communications (3 hours)
Introduction to advertising and promotions management from an integrated marketing communications perspective. Promotional techniques: advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, publicity/public relations, personal selling, point-of-purchase communications. Techniques explored through the context of planning, developing, and implementing comprehensive promotional campaigns. Regulatory, social, and economic factors that influence the firm's promotional activities. Prerequisite: MTG 315.

MTG 384 - Sales Management (3 hours)
Analysis of sales management and decisions made by the sales force manager. Structure and organization of the sales force; nature of the sales job; selling in marketing theory; selection of sales personnel; sales training program; problems in compensation, supervision, and stimulation of sales personnel; analysis of territories and customers; sales forecasting and quotas; ethical problems in sales management; evaluating sales performance. Prerequisite: MTG 304 or MTG 315.

MTG 388 - Global Supply Chain Management (3 hours)
Examines the theories and practices used to plan, organize, and control exchange relationships in a global context. The approach will go beyond viewing exchange relationships from a strictly physical sense (movement of goods and services) to focus on the interaction between trading partners and how firms are using channel strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Prerequisite: MTG 315

MTG 391 - Social Media Marketing (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Explores the game changing nature of social media and its impact on traditional marketing activities. Social media allows customers to interact with each other and the brands that they use on a daily basis in new ways. These advances/changes/disruptions may have profound influences on all marketing activities from product development through promotion. Course includes review of word-of-mouth-marketing and study of tools for shaping marketing activities surrounding emerging media (e.g., social networking sites, wikis, multimedia sharing sites, blogs, and virtual worlds). Prerequisite: MTG 350 and MTG 381

MTG 393 - Retailing (3 hours)
Retailing from the management perspective. Emphasis on retail policies and organization, operation of buying and selling functions, merchandise control, store systems, personnel management, retail accounting, and expense control. Prerequisite: MTG 315.

MTG 394 - Supply Chain Tools and Techniques (3 hours)
Prepares students for work as supply chain professionals by giving them familiarity with the dominant terminology, tools, and approaches used in supply chain management. Cross-listed with M L 394. Prerequisite: MTG 315; M L 353

MTG 400 - Topics in Marketing (1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated, for up to 6 hours credit in nonredundant topics. Prerequisite: MTG 315, junior standing, and consent of department chair.

MTG 402 - Logistics Tools and Techniques (3 hours)
Introduce students to a variety of logistics topics, terms, principles and tools and their practical application in the workplace. Cross-listed with MTG 502 Prerequisite: MTG 315

MTG 404 - Advanced Professional Selling (3 hours)
Advanced study of professional selling techniques focusing upon specific knowledge areas and skills that contribute to competitive advantage, long-term customer relations, and customer satisfaction. Emphasis is placed upon students developing functional sales experiences, both individually and in group settings. Prerequisite: MTG 304.

MTG 405 - Strategic Advertising Cases (3 hours)
In-depth, strategic perspective on advertising management. Students will learn how to manage, facilitate, and direct the advertising function. A special emphasis will be placed on developing advertising strategies. The case method will be used with real-world situations. Prerequisite: MTG 315.

MTG 406 - Marketing Analytics (3 hours)
Students will learn concepts and will work hands-on with data and software tools for making decisions regarding segmentation and targeting, positioning, new product and service design, and the elements of the marketing mix. Through the course, students will learn to take advantage of the massive amounts of data available in most organizations, using that data to make better-informed decisions, and to create compelling evidence to persuade other executives to support those decisions. Cross-listed with MTG 506 Prerequisite: MTG 315 and Q M 262

MTG 407 - Customer Analytics (3 hours)
Covers various marketing analytics methods as simple as descriptive statistics and visualization, as well as more advanced predictive modeling, prescriptive, and newly emerging artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive analytics. The course will be taught from a managerial perspective emphasizing the need for managers to understand customer analytics to reduce risk in decision making. Cross-listed with MTG 507. Prerequisite: MTG 315 and Q M 262

MTG 420 - Business Marketing (3 hours)
Comprehensive examination of nature, structure, and distinguishing characteristics of marketing to and between organizations. Unique aspects of organizational decision-making and buying from the seller's perspective. Exploration of requirements to manage strategy development, interfirm relationships, e-commerce, and innovation processes in firms marketing to organizations. Prerequisite: MTG 315 or consent of department chair.

MTG 441 - Marketing Research II (3 hours)
Students consult an area business on marketing research projects addressing the firm's problem areas. Emphasis on practical use of concepts and tools presented in MTG 341. Prerequisite: MTG 341.

MTG 490 - Managerial Marketing (3 hours)
Systems and information needs of marketing management. Emphasis on integration of tools of information systems with knowledge of marketing in formulating and solving marketing problems. Impact of marketing decisions on key performance measures illustrated by cases, marketing models, and simulation. Prerequisite: MTG 315, 341; senior standing.

MTG 492 - Independent Study Or Research in Marketing (1-3 hours)
Studies or research undertaken by well-qualified, advanced students under the guidance of a faculty member. Prerequisite: consent of department chair.

MTG 493 - Experiential Learning in Professional Sales (1-3 hours)
Advanced marketing or sales student experience in the field of professional selling. Both practical and academic components are included. The practical component will often take the form of an in-depth study of a sales-related topic, an experience in sales with a company, a research project, a sales simulation, or a blend of these or other elements that will be tailored to each individual student's needs. Repeatable up to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Permission of department chair; MTG 304.

MTG 502 - Logistics Tools and Techniques (3 hours)
Introduce students to a variety of logistics topics, terms, principles, tools and their practical application in the workplace. Cross-listed with MTG 402. The graduate level course will have additional requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course. Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair

MTG 506 - Marketing Analytics (3 hours)
Students will learn concepts and will work hands-on with data and software tools for making decisions regarding segmentation and targeting, positioning, new product and service design, and the elements of the marketing mix. Through the course, students will learn to take advantage of the massive amounts of data available in most organizations, using that data to make better-informed decisions, and to create compelling evidence to persuade other executives to support those decisions. Cross-listed with MTG 406. The graduate level course will have additional requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course. Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair

MTG 507 - Customer Analytics (3 hours)
Covers various marketing analytics methods as simple as descriptive statistics and visualization, as well as more advanced predictive modeling, prescriptive, and newly emerging artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive analytics. The course will be taught from a managerial perspective emphasizing the need for managers to understand customer analytics to reduce risk in decision making. Cross-listed with MTG 407. Prerequisite: Consent of Department Chair

MTG 624 - Marketing Decision Making (3 hours)
Marketing management problems, policies, and solutions. Case studies of marketing problems, research, and applications of marketing techniques to business problems.

MTG 640 - Obtaining, Analyzing, and Applying Marketing Information (3 hours)
Gathering, understanding, and using marketing information, data base marketing, qualitative research, electronic research, forecasting, and computer software data analysis packages.

MTG 644 - Professional Selling & Sales Management (3 hours)
Students will study professional selling from the perspective of both the salesperson and the sales manager through readings, class discussion, presentations, and role plays. As a result, students will become familiar with and practiced in the professional sales process as well as further develop their understanding of several universal management functions.

MTG 658 - Topics in Marketing (3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time the course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes.

MTG 660 - Readings in Marketing (1-3 hours)
Individual readings for qualified students, under the guidance of a member of the faculty. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and director of graduate programs.

MTG 688 - Supply Chain Management (3 hours)
Supply chain management consists of all stages involved in directly or indirectly fulfilling customer requests. This course will examine all aspects of the supply chain i.e., interactions between manufacturers, suppliers, transportation agents, retailers, and customers. Special emphasis is placed on managing flows of information, products, and funds between organizations and throughout the open system.

I B 101 - International Intellectual and Cultural Events (1 hour)
Introduction to international events, other cultures, and the globalized nature of business environments. Presentations from various international groups on campus. Participation in international cultural events in the community. Pass/Fail.

I B 204 - Business in Chinese Culture (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Overview of sociocultural, religious, historical, economic, and political contexts as these impact ways that business is conducted in China. Examination of the blend of traditional value systems, Communist ideology, and global modernization as influences on contemporary commercial practices in and with China. In-country visits to observe cultural sites and business activities. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 221 (or equivalent); sophomore standing.

I B 205 - Business in Indian Culture (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Overview of sociocultural, religious, historical, economic, and political contexts as these impact ways that business is conducted in India. Examination of the blend of traditional value systems and global modernization as influences on contemporary commercial practices in and with India. In-country visits to observe cultural sites and business activities. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 221 (or equivalent); sophomore standing

I B 206 - Introduction to International Business (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS WI
Contemporary international business patterns; emphasis on how international is different from domestic. Management of strategic international activities for an exporting firm or a multinational corporation. How international business is affected by countries' social systems; the interface among nations, states, and firms conducting foreign business. Alternative ways that international business may evolve. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing or approval of Director of I B program

I B 323 - International Financial Management (3 hours)
Financial characteristics of international business. International exchange, liquidity, markets, investments, and banking, in context of historical development, environmental characteristics, economic factors, political systems, and legal constraints. Emphasis on exchange rate exposure management. Cross listed as FIN 323. Prerequisite: ATG 158; ECO 222; junior/senior standing.

I B 391 - International Trade (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS
Welfare implications of international trade; balance of payments; equilibrium and disequilibrium; external and domestic policy effects on the balance of payments and welfare; international trade and financial cooperation among nations. Cross listed as ECO 391. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or 221; ECO 222; junior standing.

I B 400 - Topics in International Business (1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic and prerequisites stated in current Schedule of Classes. Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours credit under different topics. Prerequisite: junior standing; consent of instructor.

I B 402 - Global Trade Management and Analysis (3 hours)
Overview of trade management issues, procedures, requirements, and strategies. Focus on global trade management, implementation of international marketing plans, effective global supply chains, and trade finance. Examination of influencing factors including cultural awareness, compliance with government regulations, use of technology, resources, and documentation. Cross-listed with ECO 519 and I B 502. Prerequisite: I B 206 and junior standing; or 42 credit hours and declared International Business first major or approval of Director of I B program.

I B 446 - Global Marketing Management (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Covers the development of strategic and tactical marketing decisions in a global marketplace. Market potential analysis; alternative entry and expansion strategies; standardization versus adaption of product and promotion strategies; pricing, distribution, and sourcing strategies in global operations are discussed. Elements of an integrated global marketing in diverse national and regional economic, legal-political and cultural settings; multinational business organization and control issues. Prerequisite: IB 302 or approval of the Director of the IB program. Open to International Business majors only.

I B 498 - Independent Study in International Business (1-3 hours)
May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours. Prerequisite: junior/senior standing and approval of international business coordinator.

I B 502 - Global Trade Management and Analysis (3 hours)
Overview of trade management issues, procedures, requirements, and strategies. Focus on global trade management, implementation of international marketing plans, effective global supply chains, and trade finance. Examination of influencing factors including cultural awareness, compliance with government regulations, use of technology, resources, and documentation. Cross-listed with I B 402. The graduate level course will have additional requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course. Prerequisite: I B 206 or consent of the Department Chair

I B 656 - International Business Administration (3 hours)
Impact of economic, cultural, legal/political, institutional, and competitive issues on the management of international and global business operations. Adjustment of strategic and tactical entry mode, marketing, production, human resources, and financial decisions to macroenvironmental constraints in selected world regions and markets. Case studies and reports. Prerequisite: M L 620 or MTG 624 or consent of instructor; consent of director of graduate programs.

I B 658 - Topics in International Business (1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time the course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes.

I B 660 - Readings in International Business (1-3 hours)
Individual readings for qualified students, under the guidance of a member of the faculty. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and director of graduate programs.