Moss Scholars

Moss Scholars provides a fee based educational program that combines appropriate supports to assist college ready neurodiverse students in gaining skills that will allow them to be independent and successful students. The Moss Scholars student will work with an executive function coach to focus on: time management, planning/prioritization, organization, task initiation, goal-directed persistence, flexibility, and self-advocacy skills. The program emphasizes academics, social skills, health/well-being and transition after college to help prepare students to be a confident, empowered, and contributing member to their communities.

Are you college ready?

College readiness can be described as the level of preparation a student needs to enroll and succeed at a university in a credit-bearing general education course. Are you wondering if you are college ready? Find out by taking this Readiness Test.

If you scored 80 or above, you are likely ready to be successful in a university setting. If you score less than 50, you might want to consider other options such as Landmark College or other certificate programs designed to help you gain the skills you need. If you scored between a 50 and an 80, you are a good candidate for the Moss Scholar Program. You have some skills necessary to succeed in university life, but you probably also need a coach to guide you through the process. In order to apply to our Moss Scholar Program, complete the following application!