Photography/Filming Policy

The Bradley University Cullom-Davis Library provides an environment conducive to teaching, learning, study, and research for the faculty, staff, and students of the University, as well as to visitors to the University and to members of the general public. We also recognize that the production of media in various formats is a curricular focus of many classes on campus. In recognition of this, the Library allows photography, audio recording, digital recording, and filming in Library facilities within the following categories:

  • Personal photography and filming are permitted in or at Cullom-Davis Library. Personal photography and recording includes images of friends or family obtained informally for personal/private use, such as for personal social media posting.
  • Academic photography and recording are permitted in Cullom-Davis Library with prior permission. Academic photography and recording includes media obtained and/or reproduced for academic purposes such as class projects, or University promotions and information. See below for procedures to request photography/filming permission in the Library.
  • Media access is allowed in Cullom-Davis Library with prior authorization. Media access is defined as media obtained and/or reproduced for use by a media outlet (such as a newspaper, television station, or other mass news media producer). Proper usage includes published materials produced by the media outlet. All requests for non-University photography and filming should be directed initially to University Marketing and Communications, and then to the University Library for approval and scheduling.


Anyone photographing or filming in the Cullom-Davis Library must agree to:

  • Avoid interfering with the study, research, privacy, or safety needs of Library users.
  • Comply with all relevant Bradley University policies, rules, or regulations.
  • Avoid hindering access to exits, stairways, corridors, or doorways.
  • Not photograph or film any individual without their explicit prior consent.
  • Not film, record, or take photos in Library bathrooms.
  • Return Library facilities to the original condition found before photography/filming started. Library staff will not be responsible for moving furniture, setting up shots, or assisting with setup or take down.
  • Respect library materials, furniture, and artwork, and bear of the cost for the repair of any damage incurred.
  • Not present any individual in a defamatory manner, or violate any individual’s expectation of privacy.

To Obtain Permission for Academic Photography/Filming

Please fill out the Request to Film in the Library form in advance of the time at which you plan to photograph/record.The form will ask for the following information:

  • Name and contact information
  • The purpose and nature of your photographing/filming (class, department, etc.)
  • When you plan to arrive at the library.

Once permission is granted and arrangements have been made, representatives must check in at the main Library office upon arrival, or - if the main Library office is closed - the check out desk.

Cullom-Davis Library reserves the right to deny permission as necessary.