Faculty and Staff

Todd Kelly

Todd Kelly

Chairperson, Department of Music, Professor of Music, Trumpet and Director of Jazz Ensembles

    Constance Hall 105
    (309) 677-2594

Carl Anderson

Carl Anderson

Associate Chair, Department of Music, Instructor in Residence, Music Business, Music & Entertainment Industry

    Constance Hall 217

Cory Boulton (formerly Ganschow)

Cory Boulton (formerly Ganschow)

Director of Choral Activities

    Constance Hall 205
    (309) 677-2600

Mark De Zwaan

Mark De Zwaan

Assistant Professor of Music History/Piano

    Constance Hall 223
    (309) 677-2604

Kyle Dzapo

Kyle Dzapo

Caterpillar Professor, Flute and Music History

    Constance Hall 305
    (309) 677-2596

Monte Grisé

Monte Grisé

Director of Bands

    Constance Hall 325
    (309) 677-3590

Marcia Henry Liebenow

Marcia Henry Liebenow

Research Assistant Professor;
Violin, Viola, Chamber Music;
Concertmaster, Peoria Symphony Orchestra

    Constance Hall 304

Ji Hyun Kim

Ji Hyun Kim

Assistant Professor in Residence, Piano

    Constance Hall 206
    (309) 677-3895

Lynnsey Lambrecht

Lynnsey Lambrecht

Associate Professor, Music Theory and Composition

    Constance Hall 318

Alison Meuth

Alison Meuth

Instructor in Residence of Voice

    Constance Hall 204
    (309) 677-2601

Mary Jo Papich

Mary Jo Papich

Recruiting and Marketing, Novice Teaching Supervision

    Constance Hall 104
    (309) 677-2595

John Hootman

John Hootman

Administrative Support

    Constance Hall 104
    (309) 677-2595

Scott Anderson

Scott Anderson

Affiliate Instructor, Guitar

    Constance Hall 021
    (309) 677-3883

Justin Bainter

Justin Bainter

Affiliate Instructor, Marching Band Techniques

    Constance Hall
    (309) 677-2595

Russell Boulton

Russell Boulton

Affiliate Instructor, Music Appreciation

    Constance Hall 323
    (309) 677-4788

Polly Brecht

Polly Brecht

Staff Accompanist

    Constance Hall 224
    (309) 677-2599

Robert Brooks

Robert Brooks

Affiliate Instructor

    Constance Hall

Michelle Brower

Michelle Brower

Staff Accompanist

    Constance Hall 324

Bill Duncan

Bill Duncan

Affiliate Instructor Audio Engineering, Director of Hilltop Studio

    University Hall 33

Grant Gillett

Grant Gillett

Affiliate Instructor, Bassoon

    Constance Hall 010
    (309) 677-4561

David Harris

David Harris

Affiliate Instructor, Clarinet

    Constance Hall 214
    (309) 677-3499

Kyle Hunt

Kyle Hunt

Affiliate Instructor, Low Brass

    Constance Hall 010
    (309) 677-4561

Phillip Lancaster

Phillip Lancaster

Affiliate Instructor, Horn

    Constance Hall 214
    (309) 677-2595

Molly Madden

Molly Madden

Affiliate Instructor, Harp, Online Instructor

    Off Campus

Ryan McCabe

Ryan McCabe

Affiliate Instructor, Survey of Video Game Music

    Constance Hall
    (309) 677-2595

Kimberly McCord

Kimberly McCord

Affiliate Instructor

    Off Campus

Lara Reem

Lara Reem

Affiliate Instructor, Community Choir

    Constance Hall
    (309) 677-2595

Eileen Snyder

Eileen Snyder

Affiliate Instructor, Music Composition for Video Games

    Constance Hall
    (309) 677-2595

Madeline Wood

Madeline Wood

Affiliate Instructor, Woodwind Techniques

    Constance Hall
    (309) 677-2595

Sarah Arnone

Sarah Arnone

Affiliate Instructor, Cello

    Constance Hall 303

Peggy Bonner

Peggy Bonner

Affiliate Instructor, Percussion

    Dingeldine Music Center

Nellie Dixon

Nellie Dixon

Affiliate Instructor, Bassoon

    Constance Hall 10

Courtney Huffman Frye

Courtney Huffman Frye

Affiliate Instructor, Voice

    Constance Hall 203

Michael Hull

Michael W. Hull

Affiliate Instructor, Guitar

    Constance Hall 021

Crystal Rebone

Crystal Rebone

Affiliate Instructor, Bass and Jazz Improvisation

    Constance Hall 21
    (309) 677-3883

Timothy Semanik

Timothy Semanik

Music Director, Bradley Symphony Orchestra

    Constance Hall 303
    (309) 677-3594

Jason Warner

Jason Warner

Affiliate Faculty, String Methods

    Constance Hall 404
    (309) 677-2595

Aaron Wilbert

Aaron Wilbert

Affiliate Instructor of Oboe

    Constance Hall 021
    (309) 677-3883