
The statistics major develops your logical reasoning and creative problem solving for a career in data analysis.

Preparing You for Success

Similar to the actuarial science major, you learn theory and techniques of reasoning and problem solving. Statistics courses take those skills and apply them to data analysis.

By the time you graduate, your experiences include:

  • Close relationships with faculty in small classes
  • Opportunities to network and present research at regional conferences and math competitions
  • A yearlong senior project

Making Your Mark

Statistics majors are valuable to financial firms, consulting agencies and any organization that manages large databases.

Major Requirements

Mathematics Core - 21-22 hrs.

  • MTH 121: Calculus I - 4 hrs.
  • MTH 122: Calculus II - 4 hrs.
  • MTH 207: Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 223: Calculus III - 4 hrs.
  • MTH 325: Probability and Statistics I - 3 hrs.
  • CS 100: Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages - 3 hrs.
    or CS 101: Introduction to Programming - 4 hrs.

Additional Required Courses - 15 hrs.

  • MTH 325: Probability and Statistics I - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 326: Probability and Statistics II - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 420: Introduction to Analysis - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 427: Applied Statistical Methods - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 494: Senior Project in Mathematics I - 0 hrs.
  • MTH 495: Senior Project in Mathematics II - 3 hrs.

One of the following sequences

  • *MTH 428: Topics in Applied Statistics - 3 hrs.
    and MTH 428: Topics in Applied Statistics - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 428: Topics in Applied Statistics - 3 hrs.
    and MTH 435: Stochastic Processes - 3 hrs.

*Two different topics

Elective Courses (choose one) - 3 hrs.

  • MTH 301: Combinatorics - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 302: Introduction to Graph Theory - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 305: Modern Geometry - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 307: Linear Algebra - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 310: Introduction to Number Theory - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 335: Topics in Actuarial Science - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 345: Differential Equations - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 371: History of Mathematics - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 390: Mathematical Modeling - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 403: Complex Variables I - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 405: Modern Algebra II - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 406: Elementary Topology - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 414: Partial Differential Equations - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 421: Advanced Calculus - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 490: Topics in Mathematics - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 491: Directed Individual Studies in Mathematics - 1-16 hrs.
  • MTH 501: Topics in Applied Mathematics I - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 502: Topics in Applied Mathematics II - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 510: Numerical Methods I - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 511: Numerical Methods II - 3 hrs.
  • MTH 514: Partial Differential Equations - 3 hrs.