Rebecca "Claire" Hawkins


Affiliate Instructor

    Baker Hall


BFA, University of Georgia (Studio art)
MFA, University of South Florida (Creative writing with a focus in fiction)


I teach comics and comics history here at Bradley in both the Art and Design and the Interactive Media departments.  Before moving to Peoria, I also taught a number of courses in other English departments, from Fiction 101 to Introduction to Literature. Currently, I teach ART 300: Comic Novels in the fall and IM 191: Comics Appreciation in the spring. Starting in the Fall of 2025, I will be teaching in the Comics Minor program. The minor will include:

IM 191: Comics Appreciation—Core Curr. MI

ART 233: Introduction to Comics Art—Technical Skills and Visual Storytelling

ART 343: Advanced Storytelling and Production for Comics—Pre req Introduction to Comics Art


My work focuses on climate issues, gender performance, and equity. You can read the first chapter of my comic Human Resources, a dystopian science-fiction murder mystery set in the near-ish future, at