Study Abroad

Study Abroad changes lives, and it opens doors and windows and personal and intellectual and career opportunities. The Study Abroad Office is committed to offering that opportunity to as many Bradley students as possible.

Mission Statement

The Study Abroad Office at Bradley University is committed to nurturing the development of students as citizens of a complex global community. Our goal is to prepare individuals for life and professions in a changing world by enabling our students to cross academic, geographic and cultural boundaries.

We are dedicated to enriching the intellectual lives of our students, faculty, staff and community by facilitating international academic programs; fostering an internationalized curriculum on campus; supporting faculty development, research and engagement with international issues; and encouraging collaborative engagement with constituencies, institutions and communities that represent global diversity.

A distinctive feature of Bradley University is that we offer students a broad range of opportunities for international academic experiences. Programs of study for a semester or a year are available in more than 30 countries. Bradley students can also experience short-term intensive educational programs in our interim programs abroad, taught by Bradley faculty members in some of the most interesting venues in the world. These unique programs combine academic rigor with directed cultural encounters in which Bradley students and faculty from different colleges, disciplines and research orientations form collaborative communities that cross disciplinary and cultural boundaries.

On campus, the Study Abroad Office engages faculty, students and staff in our deep commitment to an internationalized curriculum, represented by our university-wide Global Scholars Programs and their numerous related activities, events and intellectual undertakings. We believe that members of a global campus can cross borders even without traveling. We work toward that end by promoting a critical awareness of world issues; engaging knowledge of and appreciation for other cultures, languages and belief systems; and committing to educating active, responsible global citizens.

At Bradley University, we acknowledge a collective responsibility to contribute to a future where we are citizens of the world as well as of our country. The Study Abroad Office is proud that its mission constitutes a bedrock goal of a university education: to foster commitment to the values of civility, diversity and informed respect for individuals and cultures we encounter when we venture into the world.