All-University Degree Requirements

Responsibility For Meeting Degree Requirements

A minimum of 120 semester hours is required for all baccalaureate degrees. The curricula of certain departments require as many as 150-155 semester hours. Students who maintain continuous enrollment and who complete work toward the baccalaureate degree within five years from the date of entry may graduate under either the catalog in effect at the time of entrance or under the catalog in effect at the time of graduation. A change in major could mean meeting new requirements in force at the time of the change as a condition for acceptance into that major. Students whose work has been interrupted for one or more semesters may be held to requirements in effect at the time of their re-enrollment.

Residence Requirements

Only work registered through Bradley University during the two regular semesters or the interim and summer sessions is considered as residence work. No proficiency examinations, correspondence, extension courses, or credit earned through the College-Level Examination Program may be counted as residence work. All candidates for the bachelor’s degree must meet the following residence requirements:

  1. A minimum of 30 semester hours earned in residence is required of all students.

Junior-Senior Credits

Candidates for a bachelor’s degree must present a minimum of 40 semester hours in junior and senior courses (those numbered 300 and above). Check your college requirements for proper distribution of these courses.

Bradley Core Curriculum*

*For students entering Bradley University on or after Fall 2016. Students entering Bradley University before Fall 2016 who have not been approved to opt into the Bradley Core Curriculum should refer to the General Education Requirements as articulated in their Undergraduate Catalog year. Course listing in this 2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog include tags for both Core Curriculum and General Education for the convenience of all students currently enrolled at Bradley University.

Bradley Core Curriculum Purpose

The Bradley Core Curriculum exposes all students to the requisite range of knowledge, skills and perspectives that prepares them for further learning, as well as guides them on the path of continued development and growth to facilitate their success and fulfillment in a changing, complex world. In essence, the Bradley Core Curriculum lays the foundation for a lifetime of intellectual development. By equipping students with enhanced critical and creative-thinking, communication and quantitative skills and a greater understanding of others and themselves, they will have a foundation for effective and informed decision-making, ethical reflection, engagement with the arts and responsible action as members of society. The Bradley Core Curriculum achieves these goals by emphasizing breadth of study, exploration of multiple ways of thinking and knowing across a variety of areas of study, and the ability to integrate information and ideas from a variety of sources and viewpoints.

The Bradley Core Curriculum is grounded in values and is designed to help students achieve specific learning outcomes.

Bradley Core Curriculum Values

The Bradley Core Curriculum was designed with a set of fundamental perspectives and values in mind, values that lie at the heart of the University’s scholarly enterprise:

  • Curiosity
  • Freedom of inquiry and expression
  • Belief in the unity of knowledge
  • Pursuit of knowledge as its own end
  • Dedication and persistence in learning
  • Strong work ethic
  • Humility and circumspection toward what is known
  • Habit of self-reflection
  • Integrity
  • Flexibility
  • Civility

Bradley Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes

  • Critical and creative thinking. Bradley graduates will think critically, independently and creatively, and will employ evidence-based decision-making to solve problems and build new knowledge.
  • Effective communication. Bradley graduates will be effective oral, written and non-verbal communicators, as well as active readers and listeners.
  • Integrative learning. Bradley graduates will understand that learning builds across disciplines, curriculum and co-curriculum, from making simple connections among ideas and experiences to synthesizing and transferring knowledge to new, complex situations throughout their lives.
  • Practical application. Bradley graduates will apply knowledge and skills from the classroom in real-world situations.
  • Social awareness. Bradley graduates will understand and act ethically upon their connections to larger communities.

Bradley Core Curriculum Requirements

The Bradley Core Curriculum requires 36 credit hours, comprised of courses taken across eight Areas of Inquiry plus additional Core Practices as follows:

  1. A total of three courses (9 credit hours), comprised of one course from each of the following areas within the Communication Area of Inquiry:
    • Communication (CM)
    • Written Communication 1 (W1) – 1 course
    • Written Communication 2 (W2) – 1 course
    • Oral Communication (OC) – 1 course
  2. A total of seven courses (21 credit hours), comprised of one course from each of the following Areas of Inquiry:
    • Fine Arts (FA)
    • Global Perspectives (GP) one course from World Cultures (WC) or Global Systems (GS)
    • Humanities (HU)
    • Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences (NS)
    • Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)
    • Multidisciplinary Integration (MI)
    • Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  3. A total of two elective courses (6 credit hours) from any two Areas of Inquiry (the two courses cannot be taken from the same Area of Inquiry):
    • Global Perspectives (GP), can be selected from World Cultures (WC) or Global Systems (GS)
    • Humanities (HU)
    • Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences (NS)
    • Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)
    • Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  4. A minimum of two courses or registered experiences designated as Writing Intensive (WI).
  5. A minimum of two courses or registered experiences designated as Experiential Learning (EL) experiences.
  6. No more than two courses with the same subject prefix can be used to satisfy Area of Inquiry requirements in the Bradley Core Curriculum. This rule does not include the Communications Area of Inquiry.

Approved Bradley Core Courses

Courses and registered experiences approved by the University Senate to fill the Bradley Core Curriculum Areas of Inquiry or Core Practices are listed below and are marked with the appropriate Bradley Core Curriculum code in the Undergraduate Catalog and the Schedule of Classes. Additional policies regarding the Bradley Core Curriculum may be found on the Bradley Core Curriculum webpage .

It is important to note that while many courses are approved for more than one Area of Inquiry (AI), only one AI tag may be used for each course. A student wishing to elect a change in the specific AI tag granted for such a course should contact their advisor. Core Practice (CP) tags are granted in combination with AI or other CP tags.

Area of Inquiry Code Approved Courses
Communication - Writing 1 CM W1 CIV 111/112*; ENG 101
Communication - Writing 2 CM W2 ENG 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306
Communication - Oral Communication CM OC COM 103
Fine Arts FA ART 107, 109, 131; CIV 113/114**; MUS 109; PHL 350; THE 131, 141; WLF 351; WLG 352; WLT 151, 152
Global Perspectives - Global Systems GP GS CIS 300; ECO 391; FCS 237; HIS 201, 203, 204; I B 206, 391; I S 100, 103, 305, 306, 318, 330, 363, 410; PLS 208, 317; RLS 321; SOC 326; WLS 334
OR Global Perspectives - World Cultures GP WC AAS 200; ANT 101, 303, 305, 314; COM 315; ENG 123, 130, 140, 381, 385; ETE 280; FCS 271; HIS 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 314, 316, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 337, 340, 383; I B 204, 205; I S 104, 182, 322, 340, 353, 355, 363, 373, 385; MUS 382; PHL 130; PLS 205;  P T HS 380; RLS 105, 114, 121, 225, 300, 305, 313, 320, 331, 332, 336, 338, 340; SOC 300, 311; THE 439; WGS 200; WLF 202, 370; WLG 202, 321; WLS 202, 222, 321, 322, 342, 343, 360; WLT 140, 340
Humanities HU CFA 250; CIV 113/114**; ENG 115, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 140, 190, 381, 385; ETE 115; HIS 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 309, 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 322, 323, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 337, 340, 342, 352, 353, 383; I S 250; PHL 103, 130, 347; PLS 207, 307, 308; RLS 101, 105, 114, 121, 200, 225, 300, 302, 305, 313, 320, 332; WLF 315, 341; WLG 321; WLS 315, 342, 343; WLT 140, 340
Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences NS AST 300; BIO 101, 103, 202, 300, 301, 303, 304; CHM 100, 102, 104, 110/111***, 112, 301; ENS 110, 305; FCS 202; GES 101, 300; PHY 100, 107, 108, 110, 123, 130, 201; PSY 201; SCI 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 300, 302
Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences SB ANT 303; BLW 342; COM 384, 394; ECO 100, 221, 222; FCS 100, 300; FIN 220; I S 312; PLS 105, 205; PSY 101; RLS 321; SOC 100, 205, 211, 312, 313, 315, 325, 326
Multidisciplinary Integration MI AAS 200; ANT 305, 314; BIO 300, 304; BUS 340, 361, 362, 400/M L 452****; CHM 301; CIS 459; CIV 100, 101, 102, 111/112*, 113/114**; COM 315, 384; ENG 125, 130, 140, 190, 340; EGT 340; ENS 105, 110, 307; ETE 115, 328; HIS 210, 309, 317, 320, 342, 352, 353, 383; I M 191, 459; IME 301;  I S 275, 307, 330; LAS 102, 300; M E 280; MUS 101; RLS 330; SOC 205, 322; THE 339; WGS 200
Quantitative Reasoning QR ATG 101; CS 100, 101; I M 110, 162; IMT 212, 2014; MTH 101, 111, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 223; QM 262
Core Practice Code Approved Courses Note that not all sections of courses approved for Core Practice tags (WI and EL) will carry the WI or EL tag. Consult the online Schedule of Classes to confirm which sections carry the WI and EL tags.
Writing Intensive WI Choose WI-designated sections from: ART 131, 140, 142, 380, 490; ATG 268; BIO 152, 250; BLW 345; BUS 400, 401; C E 493, 498; CFA 361, 362; CHM 361, 471; CIS 475, 491; CIV 114; COM 203, 300, 305, 386, 391, 409, 416, 417, 447; CON 493, 498; CS 390, 480, 490; CSD 401, 402; ECE 402, 498, 499; ECO 498; ENG 124, 207, 347, 381, 407, 408, 409; ETE 120, 227, 228, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 313, 339, 361, 373; FCS 309, 310, 337, 340, 372, 420; FIN 422; HIS 205, 208, 331, 335, 450, 451, 452; GES 300; I B 206;  I M 261, 288, 355, 450; IME 333, 485, 499; IMT 498; I S 295, 322, 495; KHS 310; M E 410, 411, 498, 499, 534; MIS 375; MTG 346; MTH 495; MUS 335, 380, 381; NUR 303, 410, 413; PHL 202; PLS 209, 319, 419, 420, 491, 493; PSY 206, 400, 411, 439; P T HS 380; RLS 225, 320, 321; SCI 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 300, 302; SOC 313, 320; S W 351, 395; THE 336, 337, 338; WLF 351; WGS 400; WLS 403; WLT 152
Experiential Learning EL Choose EL-designated sections from: ART 306, 317, 406, 410, 421, 426; ATG 430, 461; BIO 385, 485, 490; BMS 490; BUS 301, 400, 401; C E 200, 493, 498; CHM 283, 299, 499, 599; CIS 459, 475, 491; COM 326, 330, 360, 392, 414, 416, 480, 481, 492; CON 200, 493, 498; C S 390, 490, 491; CSD 451, 452; ECE 200, 402, 498, 499; ECO 498, 499; EGT 210, 310, 410; EHS 301, 309; ENC 305; ENG 180, 302, 492; ENS 470; ETE 227, 228, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 313, 491, 493, 496, 497, 498, 499; FCS 173, 311, 375, 475, 514; HIS 350, 450, 451, 452; H S 230, 300; I B 446; IME 200, 481, 499; IMT 200, 498; I M 344, 440, 441, 459, 460, 461, 499; I S 490, 495, 498, 499; KHS 305; LAS 301; M E 410, 411, 498, 499; MIS 483; MTG 304, 341, 391; MTH 335; MUS 002, 003; NUR 207, 307, 309, 315, 317, 403, 409, 411, 413, 417; OCP 388; PLS 480, 485; PLW 300; PSY 295, 341, 342, 495; SOC 240; S W 393, 395; THE 107, 108, 307, 308; WGS 200, 300, 400; WLF 301; WLS 306, 307

*Both CIV 111 and 112 must be completed for BCC credit; W1 and MI credit are awarded for successful completion of CIV 111 and 112.

**Both CIV 113 and 114 must be completed for BCC credit; FA and either HU or MI credit are awarded for successful completion of CIV 113 and 114.

***Both CHM 110 and 111 must be completed for NS credit.

****Both BUS 400 and M L 452 must be completed for MI credit.

† All students must complete one Global Perspectives course from either the Global Systems or World Cultures group.

Grade Point Average For Graduation

A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 based upon hours taken at Bradley is required for graduation.

Requirements for the B.A. Degree

All candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree must complete three semesters of college-level foreign language study or its equivalent. This requirement may be met in several ways: 1) Completion of a three-semester sequence (101-102-201) or higher in one language; 2) Completion of 102 or higher course in one language plus one course in another language; 3) Transfer of similar credits from another institution; 4) By proficiency examination (AP or CLEP); 5) By departmental examination in languages offered by the World Languages and Cultures Department. Option 5 is only available to non-native speakers. See department chair for details.

Students who have taken a foreign language in high school and wish to continue studies in the same language must take a placement examination. If a student places in 201 or higher the student will need to take only one course to fulfill the requirements for the B.A. degree. If a student places at the 102 level the student will need to take two courses to fulfill the requirements for the B.A. degree.

Students completing foreign language at the 202 level will also receive one GP in the Bradley Core Curriculum.

Requirements For The B.S. Degree

In order to receive the Bachelor of Science degree, students must successfully complete at least 15 hours of courses selected from mathematics, computer science, and the natural sciences. The following courses may be used to fulfill the requirement for the B.S. degree—all courses in astronomy (AST), biology (BIO), biomedical science (BMS), chemistry (CHM), computer science and information systems (CS and CIS), environmental science (ENS), geological sciences (GES), physics (PHY), science (SCI), mathematics (MTH); any course cross-listed with a course offered under any of the prefixes listed above; any course approved for QR or NS credit; and, in addition, all other courses approved for B.S. credit by the University Senate.

Other courses approved for B.S. credit

University Policy on Awarding of Posthumous Degrees

Upon the request of the deceased student's family, a posthumous baccalaureate degree may be considered by the Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee, if at the time of death, the student was enrolled in a degree program, was in good academic standing, and had entered his or her senior year.

Upon the request of the deceased student's family, a posthumous graduate degree may be considered by the Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee, if at the time of death, the student was enrolled in a degree program, was in good academic standing, and had completed two thirds of the credit hours required for graduation.

The Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee will consider the family's request, verify eligibility for a posthumous degree, and forward its recommendation on granting the degree to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.

Upon the Provost's approval of granting the degree, the appropriate commencement program and the student's academic record will note that the degree was awarded posthumously. The diploma will be presented to the deceased student's family by the President of the University.

Death that results from unlawful activity on the part of the deceased student may result in disqualification for a posthumous degree.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.