
Grades in individual courses should reflect achievement in the subject matter in accordance with the standards of the course. Instructors shall inform students of standards for the course, the basis for judgment in grading, and the weight of each criterion in the assessment of the final grade. The standards of grading shall remain constant throughout the semester. Students have the right to know where they stand in each course at periodic intervals throughout the semester. Any work submitted for evaluation should be assessed and returned promptly.


“IN” is the symbol used when the instructor lacks sufficient evidence to award a letter grade. The purpose of an “IN” is to provide the time necessary for a student to complete coursework which, through no fault of the student’s, was not completed in the normal time allowed. Reasonable time necessary for completion is decided by the student and the faculty member teaching the course. The “IN”, once assigned, remains on the official academic record upon conversion to a grade or permanent “I”. The “IN” should not be mistakenly considered as an incentive for the faculty to recommend or for students to believe that this extension permits students merely to retake courses, or to extend the time for the completion of the prescribed work beyond the end of the semester of enrollment, as the means of removing the “Incomplete.” For undergraduates, at the time the “IN” is assigned, the instructor must file with his or her director or department chair a copy of the contract specifying what must be done to complete the “IN” and the date by which the “IN” must be converted. For undergraduates, an “IN” must be converted not later than four weeks before the end of the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled or the Registrar will record a permanent “I”. If the instructor does not submit a letter grade by the specified deadline, the “I” will remain permanently upon the student’s record and may not thereafter be removed. Under unusual circumstances, the student may be granted an extension to the end of the semester with the approval of the instructor involved, provided that the request was received prior to the normal deadline for the removal of Incompletes.

Grade Point System

The grading system of the University for undergraduate students is based on the following:

Marks Description Honor points per semester hour
A High competence 4
B Competence 3
C Minimum competence 2
D Limited or incomplete competence 1
F Inadequate competence for credit 0
IN Instructor lacks sufficient evidence to award a letter grade
IP Work in progress. Graduate level and certain approved undergraduate courses. Research work (theses, reading courses, special research problems) carried over more than one semester.
I Permanent Incomplete
P Pass (certain courses approved for Pass/Fail)
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
W Official withdrawal
X Satisfactory audit
UX Unsatisfactory audit

Grade point average is determined by dividing honor points by semester hours. Only work registered through Bradley University is used in calculation of grade point averages. Courses taken for audit are recorded on the student's permanent academic record as completed satisfactorily ("X"), completed unsatisfactorily ("UX"), or withdrawn ("W"). Marks of "IN," "IP," "I," "P," "S," "U," "UX," "W," and "X" are not considered in calculating the grade point average. For repeated courses, the last grade and credits earned shall be the only ones used in the calculation of grade point averages. Credit earned by proficiency examination is not used in the calculation of grade point averages.

Dean’s List

Those full-time students who earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 grading scale are given the distinction of being placed on the University’s Dean’s list for their outstanding scholastic achievement.

Mid-Term Grades

A report of mid-term grades is prepared for all undergraduate students shortly after the midpoint of the fall and spring semesters. All students have electronic access to their mid-term grades. Mid-term grades are provided only to give students an indication of their progress and are not officially recorded on permanent records.

Final Grades

Final grades will be issued for each class in which a student is officially registered. A report of these final grades will be posted on MyBradley, the online information system, by the Office of the Registrar within a very short time following the close of the semester. All challenges to final grades must be made in the next regular semester after the grade was awarded. All completed grade change request forms must be submitted to the dean of the college in which the course is offered no later than four weeks before the end of the next regular semester.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.