Non-Resident Credit

Transfer Credit From Collegiate Institutions

Credits from collegiate institutions that are accredited by one of the institutional accrediting associations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, such as the Higher Learning Commission, will be considered for acceptance at Bradley University. Bradley University also participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative. Bradley University also has a 2+2 Articulation Agreement with Illinois Central College. Credits from international institutions that are recognized by the government agency overseeing education in that country, such as the Ministry of Education, will also be considered for acceptance at Bradley. Official transcripts of credit, including final grades, must be requested by the student and received by Bradley directly from the institution at which the credit was earned.

Course equivalency evaluation is decided by the Academic Department that teaches the comparable subject matter here at Bradley with final approval by the Department Chair. Acceptance and course equivalency are based on comparability of the transfer work with the nature, content and level of work offered at Bradley. A copy of the course description or syllabus may be requested to evaluate the course. 

Application of transfer credits to satisfy Bradley Core Curriculum (BCC) requirements shall be determined by the BCC director, who is also an Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Application of transfer credits to satisfy specific college graduation requirements shall be determined by the dean of the college in which the student is majoring.

Courses earning an A, B, C, or D letter grade, Pass, Satisfactory, or comparable grade will be considered for transfer credit. In some majors, D credit for transfer work does not count to fulfill specific requirements in that major or college. Grades earned in transferable credits are posted on the student’s permanent record solely for the purpose of advisement and evaluation by the department chair and dean of the college in which the student is enrolled. Grades earned in transferable courses are not included in Bradley GPA calculations in any way.

A maximum of 66 semester hours of credit will be accepted from two-year colleges. If other institutions are using a quarter hour system, those hours will be converted to semester hours for transferable credit. Only work taken at the junior-senior level at the source institution will be counted toward meeting the requirement for junior-senior level work at Bradley.

Transfer Credit For Students New To Bradley

For students who have not enrolled at Bradley previously, official transcripts of credit from other institutions must be mailed directly from the institution at which the credit was earned to the Admissions Office at Bradley University for evaluation.

Work Taken At Other Collegiate Institutions By Continuing Bradley Students

All conditions of acceptance of transfer credit apply to work taken at other collegiate institutions by continuing Bradley students. Students should obtain written approval from the dean of the college in which they are majoring before registering at the other institution. If the credit is to fulfill Core Curriculum requirements at Bradley, the written approval must come from the Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Unless such written approval is given, students electing to take courses at another institution have no guarantee that the credit will be accepted at Bradley. Continuing Bradley students should request the other institution to send an official transcript of credit directly to the Registrar’s Office at Bradley. If the other institution is using a quarter hour system, those hours will be converted to semester hours.

Seniors who take work at another institution to complete degree requirements at Bradley must file proof of registration for that work in the form of a letter from the Registrar of that institution. This letter must be received in the Bradley Registrar’s Office by the end of the third full week of classes. The work must be completed by the time of Bradley’s Commencement. The diploma will be awarded after receipt by the Bradley Registrar’s Office of an official transcript of credits from the other institution.

Level Of Transfer Credit

Transfer credit shall be accepted on the same level on which the work was offered at the source institution. For example, courses taught at the source institution on the first-year student level will be accepted for credit on the first-year student level at Bradley. No junior-senior credit will be given for work taken at a two-year college.

Credit for Prior Learning 

Credits earned through current or prior military service that are posted on a Joint Services Transcript (JST), Air University Transcript, or Community College of the Air Force transcript will be considered for acceptance at Bradley University. All policies applicable to Transfer Credit Taken From Collegiate Institutions, including evaluation of credit, apply to military service credits.

Bradley does not grant transfer credit for professional certifications, licenses, employment, or other on the job training.

Credit By Correspondence And Extension

Students wishing to take correspondence or extension courses for transfer purposes must have the prior written approval of their dean. A total of thirty semester hours through extension and correspondence, with a maximum nine semester hours of correspondence, will be permitted to count toward graduation, except in the College of Engineering and Technology. In the College of Engineering and Technology, a maximum of ten semester hours of credit taken by correspondence and extension may be counted toward graduation.

Examination For Advanced Placement

Credit may be given in courses covered by Advanced Placement Examinations offered by the College Board if the score received is three or higher. The number of semester hours of credit allowed is determined by the extent of the college work covered by this examination, as recommended by the department offering the work at Bradley. Inquiries should be directed to the Admissions Office.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Bradley University is committed to the principle that college-level achievement should be recognized and rewarded without regard to where, when, or how the knowledge was acquired. The University grants a maximum of 60 semester hours to those who earn scores on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations in the 50th percentile or higher on national college sophomore norms. Because CLEP credit is transfer credit, it cannot duplicate credit already earned from another source. The Registrar's Office maintains a list of CLEP exams that Bradley accepts. In all cases, an official copy of test scores must be sent from the CLEP office, by request of the student, directly to Bradley University.

Credit for CLEP may be used to satisfy Core Curriculum requirements or appropriate University requirements.

The CLEP exams must be taken before completing 60 college credits. The 60-credit limit includes courses taken at Bradley University, credits taken at another college or university, and other credits received by examination. Credits earned through CLEP exams may not duplicate credits received from other sources. Credits earned through CLEP exams may not be at a level lower than a course for which credit has been earned.

If you have questions about how CLEP credit applies to Bradley, please consult the following:

  • if you are currently enrolled at Bradley: The Registrar's Office, (309) 677-3643
  • if you are a student new to Bradley: Undergraduate Admission, (309) 677-1000

For more information about the College-Level Examination Program, contact CLEP at (212) 237-1331 or visit

Credit By Proficiency Examination

Credit by proficiency examination is classified as non-residence credit. Upon presentation of acceptable evidence of competence, students enrolled in the University may apply for permission to attempt to earn credit by examination in certain undergraduate subjects. Applications for such examinations will be submitted to the chairperson of the department that offers the course, who will, if the application is approved, arrange for the administration of the examination. Students receiving approval to attempt to earn credit by examination will pay a non-refundable fee of $50.00 for the examination for each course number listed in the catalog. This fee must be paid before the examination is taken. Students who have had no previous college experience, and who have been admitted as full-time students, may apply for permission to attempt credit by examination in certain undergraduate subjects. Such examination will be taken prior to the student’s second registration. Credit, but no grade, will be recorded for examinations passed. Grades for examinations taken after the student’s second registration will be entered on the permanent record. Students shall have the option of requesting either a letter grade or a grade of Pass/Fail. A grade of “C” or better will be considered a passing grade for both options. A grade of “D” is not acceptable for a proficiency examination. The option selected must be agreed upon by the student and the department offering the course at the time of application for the examination. Because credit by proficiency is not considered residence credit, grades are not computed in the student’s cumulative grade point average. Seniors may not take examinations for credit toward any degree in courses which are numbered below 300. Application forms are available in the dean’s or Registrar’s Office.

Retroactive Credit (Retrocredit) Information

Students who place in a language at the 102 level or higher and take a course in the same language in the World Languages and Cultures Department at Bradley University can receive retroactive credit (“retrocredits”).

In order to receive retroactive credit:

  • The course must be the first college-level course in the language.
  • The course must be taken before the student has earned 60 credit hours.
  • The course must be designated as retrocredit eligible.
  • The student must receive a B or higher in the course.

Upon successful completion of an approved course students will receive:

  • 102 = 4 retrocredits (101)
  • 201 = 8 retrocredits (101, 102)
  • 202 = 12 retrocredits (101, 102, 201)
  • 222 (WLS only) = 12 retrocredits (101, 102, 201)
  • 303 = 15 retrocredits (101, 102, 201, 202)
  • 304 = 15 retrocredits (101, 102, 201, 202)
  • 306 (WLF and WLG only) = 15 retrocredits (101, 102, 201, 202)
  • 308 (WLF only) = 15 retrocredits (101, 102, 201, 202)

Conditions for receiving retroactive credit:

  • Grades will not be given for retroactive credit nor will they figure in a student’s GPA.
  • Retroactive credit will not count towards residency.
  • Retroactive credit will count towards the 124 credits necessary for graduation.
  • Native speakers cannot earn retroactive credit in their native language (as determined by WLC faculty).
  • In order for a student with AP or IB credit to receive retroactive credit the student would need to take an appropriate language course at Bradley. Students cannot receive additional retroactive credit for a course for which they already received AP or IB credit.
  • Students could earn retroactive credit in more than one language as long as they have not earned more than 60 credit hours at the time the course will be taken.
  • Upon successfully completing a course, students will fill out a Retroactive Credit Form available on the World Languages and Cultures webpage, which must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Departmental Prerequisite Examinations (Not For Credit)

At the discretion of the department offering the course, regularly enrolled students of the University may be allowed to take a special examination in any course offered by the department in order to satisfy prerequisites for subsequent courses. Before a student will be permitted to take a prerequisite examination, a $50.00 fee for each course number listed in the catalog must be paid to the Controller’s Office.

A prerequisite examination carries no University credit and no grade. Upon successful completion of a prerequisite examination an appropriate entry will be made on the permanent record of the student.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.