Miscellaneous University Regulations


This is the University undergraduate policy regarding absences. Consult the policy of your own college or department for further details. Every student is expected to attend all classes regularly. Each student is responsible for all work contained in the course, even in case of absences caused by circumstances beyond the control of the student. In case of absence, provision for make-up work, insofar as make-up work is possible, may be made by the instructor at the reasonable discretion of the instructor. The grade in any given course will therefore ordinarily depend upon the quality of the work done in the course. Absence will affect the grade insofar as the quality of work is affected. Reasons for absences are presented to the instructor by the student. In cases of medical absences, reasons for absences may be presented to the instructor by Student Support Services in consistency with the Health Services class absence notification policy found here.

Change Of College Or Curriculum

Changes of a student’s major must be initiated with the academic advisor in the student’s current major field. Students can find the name of their advisor by logging into MyBradley. Advisor names are listed under the "Other" tab. If an advisor is not assigned in MyBradley, students should consult the list of these advisors in the Schedule of Classes or contact the department. After the form has been completed by the academic advisor, the student should take the form to the dean of the college in which the student was registered for the dean’s signature. The student obtains the signature of the advisor in the new major field, and then takes the form to the dean of the college to which the student is transferring and leaves the form with the new dean. If the change does not involve a change of college (merely a change of curriculum within the same college) the dean of that college will retain and process the form.

Change Of Address

Students should keep their address information current on MyBradley. This includes campus address, permanent mailing address, or parents’ addresses. Students not in residence halls can update all of these addresses online.

Transcript Of Credit

A transcript of credits is an authentic copy or printout of the student’s academic record. No partial transcripts will be issued. Transcripts are released only by written request of the individual concerned. Orders can be placed online, in person, or by mail to the Registrar’s Office. Phone orders will not be accepted. Bradley University has authorized both the National Student Clearinghouse and Parchment to provide transcript ordering via online. There is an online processing fee in addition to the $7.00 fee for each copy ordered and is payable in advance.

No student who is indebted to the University will be issued a transcript until the debt is cleared by the office concerned. Bradley University does not issue nor certify copies of transcripts from other institutions.

For more information on ordering transcripts, please visit the Registrar's website.

Financial Obligation Of The Student

No report of grades is sent for the student whose financial account with the University has not been settled in full, nor will the grades be available on the Web. Likewise no diploma, professional certificate, transcript of credit, or other information concerning academic record is given until the student’s account has been cleared.

Student Consumer Information

Federal regulations require universities to make student consumer information available to prospective and current students concerning: financial assistance information; institutional programs and policies; graduation rates; safety programs, policies, and crime statistics; athletic program participation rates and financial support data; and rights under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This information may be obtained by requesting the Student-Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act Compliance Report from Bradley University’s Office of University Relations at (309) 677-3164. Safety information and crime statistics are available online at https://www.bradley.edu/legal/consumerinfo/.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.