Social Work Courses

S W 250 - Introduction to Social Welfare (3 hours)
Overview of historical development and contemporary forces shaping the social welfare system in the U.S. Examines social policies, social conditions affecting vulnerable populations, and service delivery systems in which social work is practiced. Includes community agency contact.

S W 260 - Research Methods (3 hours)
Social research methods: research design and models of observation, including single subject and program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative methods, sampling techniques, questionnaire construction, types of surveys, measurement problems, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Sociology or social work major or consent of instructor; MTH 111 or PSY 205.

S W 310 - Child Welfare I (3 hours)
Examines the theory and knowledge associated with practice in the field of child welfare. This course covers the areas of policy, normative child development, disruptions in child development, and the continuum of services for children in society.

S W 350 - Foundations for Social Work Practice (3 hours)
Historical development of social work. Introduction of generalist social work practice; systems perspective; knowledge, skills, values, and ethics required for practice; communication skills and the helping relationship as foundation for the problem-solving process. Overview of fields of practice. Includes required volunteer experience. Prerequisite: S W 250.

S W 351 - Social Work Practice I (3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, termination, and follow-up phases of the problem-solving process. Students develop interviewing skills and apply knowledge of social systems, human development, diversity, and ethics with focus on the micro level. Prerequisite: S W 350, social work major or consent of social work program director.

S W 352 - Social Work Practice II (3 hours)
Generalist practice with focus on families and groups as well as individuals in group contexts. Includes required volunteer experience in group setting. Prerequisite: S W 350; social work major or consent of social work program director.

S W 353 - Social Work Practice III (3 hours)
Generalist practice with focus on organizations, communities, and large social systems. Assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation skills for macro-level practice. Emphasis on issues of diversity, discrimination, and oppression. Prerequisite: S W 350; social work major or consent of social work program director.

S W 354 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment I (3 hours)
Current research and theory concerning interaction of environment with individual behavior. Life span development, strengths, approach, and issues of diversity as influences on individual development.

S W 355 - Social Welfare Policy (3 hours)
Analysis of social welfare policy from the social work perspective. Impact of social policy on recipients and constituents of social welfare programs. Institutional responses to social problems, social justice, and human needs. Analysis and evaluation of policy at the organizational, community, and legislative levels. Prerequisite: ECO 100; PLS 105; S W 250.

S W 356 - Topics in SW (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Topics of special interest which may vary each time the course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under a different topic for maximum of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite:

S W 358 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment II (3 hours)
Current research and theory concerning interaction of environment with families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social and cultural causes and impact of diversity, discrimination, and oppression. Prerequisite: S W 354.

S W 393 - Social Work Practicum (9 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Supervised experience in an approved community agency; use of knowledge and skills common to generalist practice; 420 field hours required. Pass/fail. Prerequisite: S W 351; social work major. Corequisite: S W 395.

S W 395 - Social Work Seminar (3 hours)
Core Curr. WI,EL
Seminar that integrates theory and principles learned in academic courses with field and practice experience. Prerequisite: S W 351; social work major. Corequisite: S W 393.

S W 490 - Individual Study in Social Work (1-3 hours)
Special study on topics with faculty supervision. For social work majors; non-majors require approval of Department Chair. May be repeated under a different topic up to a maximum of 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: Consent of director of social work program.

S W 499 - Honors Colloquium (3 hours)
Special study or project conducted under faculty supervision. Oral presentation before a faculty committee. Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA in social work major and consent of department chair.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.