International Studies Courses

I S 100 - Contemporary World Forces (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. GP GS
Great international forces influencing the contemporary world: secular and religious nationalism, global terrorism, international conflict and cooperation, poverty, and climatic changes. Understanding and evaluating the impact of these forces on national society and world affairs.

I S 103 - Fundamentals of International Studies: Global Analysis (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS
Overview of principal macro-level phenomena in discipline of international studies; addresses matters with worldwide coverage such as power relationships, war, and globalization.

I S 104 - Fundamentals of International Studies: Area Analysis (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Overview of discipline of international studies at micro-level; focus on major states or groups of states.

I S 182 - Fundamentals of Contemporary East Asian Civilization (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Civilization and traditional cultures of East Asia; origins of fundamental values in indigenous East Asian ways of life.

I S 275 - Political Economy of the Developing World (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. MI
Survey of political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of development. Theories of development, relations between industrial and developing states, impact of domestic institutions and conditions, globalization, and international institutions on the developing world.

I S 295 - Research Design and Qualitative Methods for International Studies (3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Design of research and qualitative research methods for international studies. Prerequisite: IS 103; IS 104; or consent of instructor.

I S 305 - Diplomacy in International Affairs (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS
Evolution of modern diplomacy, fundamentals of diplomacy theory, and contemporary use of diplomacy. Negotiation game for application of student's new knowledge of diplomatic practice. Prerequisite: IS 103 or 104 or consent of instructor.

I S 306 - Intelligence in International Affairs (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. GP GS
Development of secret intelligence practice; contemporary operations of selected intelligence organizations. Emphasis on US capabilities, counterterrorism, management and control, and tension between secrecy and democracy.

I S 307 - Science and Politics of Global Climate Change (3 hours)
Core Curr. MI
The complex problem of global climate change will be explored by connecting knowledge and perspectives from the natural and social sciences, concentrating particularly on the links between atmospheric and terrestrial sciences and international studies/political science. Cross-listed with ENS 307. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor

I S 312 - American Foreign Policy (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. SB
Survey of factors and forces shaping the formulation and practice of American foreign policy. Impact of domestic political factors--public opinion, the media, interest groups, and Congress--on presidential foreign policy decisions; special emphasis on contemporary issues and problems.

I S 318 - United States-East Asian Relations (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS
Critical studies of US relations with China, Japan, Korea, and other selected countries of East Asia since World War II.

I S 322 - Latin America in the International System (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC,WI
Critical analysis of the role of Latin America in world affairs and the impact of external forces on politics, society, and interstate relations. Topics include: colonialism, revolutionary change and regional stability, transition to democratic rule, impact of foreign intervention, and role of Latin America in the global political economy.

I S 330 - European Integration (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS,MI
Focus on phenomenon of integration, the movement toward political, economic, and social cooperation and unity on the European continent; examination of history, evolution, current and future development of the European Communities/Union.

I S 353 - Russian Foreign Policy (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC
Evolution of major elements of Russian foreign policy, impact of communist past, current post-communist attitudes and policies toward the world, analysis of foreign policies of other post-Soviet Slavic states.

I S 363 - Middle East Nations in International Affairs (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC,GP GS
Introduction to the modern politics of the Middle East. Examination of Arab-Israeli conflict, politics of OPEC, inter-Arab rivalries, terrorism, and the impact of these issues on the role of the Middle East in international affairs. Impact of the end of the Cold War and the Gulf Wars.

I S 373 - South and Southeast Asian Nations in International Affairs (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC
International relations of the south Asian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Legacy of colonization, religious conflict, territorial disputes, and the nuclear threat. Also the regional political economy and terrorism.

I S 381 - East Asian International Relations (3 hours)
East Asian international relations (China, Japan, Korea, and East Asia in general) from ancient times to the present.

I S 385 - Issues of Contemporary Asia (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC
Critical studies of new issues and problems in contemporary Asia: tensions between traditional Asian cultures and modern Western ideologies, Asian leadership styles, political institutions, and economic development.

I S 385 - Issues of Contemporary Asia (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC
Critical studies of new issues and problems in contemporary Asia: tensions between traditional Asian cultures and modern Western ideologies, Asian leadership styles, political institutions, and economic development.

I S 410 - Globalization in World Affairs (3 hours)
Core Curr. GP GS
Present trends in globalization; challenges presented to nation-states in an increasingly complex international environment. Issues include economic and cultural globalization, global and regional governance. Prerequisite:

I S 475 - Contemporary Issues in International Studies (1-3 hours)
In-depth study of selected problems in world affairs. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hrs. credit provided a different topic is taken each term.

I S 490 - Directed Study and Travel Abroad: Selected Region (0-3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Provides academic credit to students participating in designated, short-term programs abroad. Student must participate in the designated travel program in order to receive credit for this course. Course may be repeated once providing the student participates in a different travel program.

I S 490 - Directed Study and Travel Abroad: Selected Region (0-3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Provides academic credit to students participating in designated, short-term programs abroad. Student must participate in the designated travel program in order to receive credit for this course. Course may be repeated once providing the student participates in a different travel program.

I S 495 - Advanced Seminar in International Studies (3 hours)
Core Curr. EL,WI
Relationship of empirical theory to the practice of international studies; completion of a baccalaureate thesis. Prerequisite: IS 295; junior or senior standing in International Studies

I S 498 - Department of State Internship (0-12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
For majors planning careers in the foreign service: 3 months of work-study at the junior officer level in the Department of State or in a United States embassy. Qualified students should contact the IS director six months in advance to allow for clearance and acceptance. Prerequisite: Senior standing; approval of IS director

I S 499 - Research in International Relations (1-3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Special projects in IS for qualified students. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hrs. credit provided a different project is undertaken each term.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.