Environmental Science Courses

ENS 105 - Introduction to Sustainability (3 hours)
Core Curr. MI
This course will introduce students to how overconsumption and overpopulation are impacting Earth's ability to support humanity and biodiversity, technologies and policies to increase sustainability, and reasons why humans behave unsustainably.

ENS 110 - Environmental Science (3 hours)
Core Curr. MI,NS
This course examines the science and social implications of environment. Emphasis will be on basic science, social, economic and political implications of human interactions with natural systems and understanding environmental issues and sustainable resource use. Prerequisite: Students with credit for BIO 300 may not enroll in ENS 110.

ENS 150 - Introduction to Environmental Science (2 hours)
Introduces Environmental Science majors to critical concepts in Environmental Science Fields focusing on broad topics such as hypothesis testing, library research, and ethics in science. Exposes students to ENS concentration areas (biology, physics and chemistry) focusing specifically on how these areas are integral to problem solving in environmental science. Prerequisite: ENS major

ENS 305 - Sustainability and Food (3 hours)
Core Curr. NS
Introduction to how the concept of sustainability and the basic principles of evolutionary and ecological processes impact food production and distribution. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, or sophomores by permission of instructor

ENS 307 - Science and Politics of Global Climate Change (3 hours)
Core Curr. MI
The complex problem of global climate change will be explored by connecting knowledge and perspectives from the natural and social sciences, concentrating particularly on the links between atmospheric and terrestrial sciences and international studies/political science. Cross-listed with IS 307. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

ENS 470 - Environmental Science Capstone (1-3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
This course is intended primarily as a required element of the Environmental Science Major (ENS-B, ENS-C, ENS-P) program at Bradley University. Biology, Chemistry, and Physics majors with interest in environmental fields may find the content of interest. The course will be exceedingly challenging for students without a science background or the desire to engage in the primary scientific literature surrounding environmental issues. The course may be repeated up to 3 hours with different topics. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior ENS major or consent of instructor.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.