Computer Science and Information Systems

FACULTY Professors Nikolopoulos Wang (Chair); Associate Professor Byerly, ; Assistant Professors Abdelfattah, Ali, Baniya, Hawkins, Khairunnesa, Li, Mahmud, Mandava,  Yang; Lecturer Williams, Instructor Brennan; Assistant Professors in Residence Du, Grichnik

The department offers baccalaureate degree programs in computer science and in computer information systems, with concentrations available in a) computer game technology b) mobile computing, c) software, web, and computer security, and d) data science. Minors in computer science and information systems, data science, and computer game technology are also offered.

Computer science is the study of theoretical and algorithmic foundations used in computer systems. Students are trained to analyze requirements, design, develop, and test software systems, devise new innovations and applications in computing, and solve scientific, engineering, and business problems requiring computer applications.

Computer information systems is a discipline that focuses on information technology and its applications, i.e., on methods, technology, and tools to generate, process, modify, store, retrieve, and distribute information. Computer information systems has a wide variety of applications, but the mathematical requirements are not as rigorous as they are for computer science because there is less focus on theoretical and algorithmic foundations.

Both Computer Science and Computer Information Systems majors can take a number of elective courses, and they can specialize in a number of areas of computing including 1) software engineering, 2) intelligent systems, 3) database management systems, 4) computer systems and architecture, 5) net-centric computing, 6) Web technology, 7) computer game technology, 8) software, Web and computer security, 9) mobile computing, 10) theoretical computer science, and 11) emerging topics in computer science or computer information systems.

Computer science and computer information systems graduates are employed by a variety of industries and non-profit organizations as software engineers and/or developers, system administrators and/or developers, system analysts, network administrators, Web developers and/or technologists, software test engineers, and database administrators and/or developers.

For students not majoring in the department, we offer three minors which can be tailored to the individual’s goals and needs.

Students intending to take only one course in the department should enroll in CS 100 if they desire a detailed treatment of a programming language, or CIS 300 if they desire a general discussion of computers and their impact on society.

Computer Science

The department has course offerings of sufficient breadth to allow specialization in a number of areas including software engineering, intelligent systems, database concepts, computer systems and architecture, net-centric computing, and Web development. Majors are encouraged to choose an area of specialization based upon their career goals and to select electives, with guidance from their advisor, to support that choice. The general requirements for the computer science major are:

  • Computer Science:
    • 45 semester hours including CS 101, CS 102, CS 140, CS 210, CS 215, CS 220, CS 321, CS 330, CS 370, CS 390, CS 480, CS 490, CS 491;
    • at least 24 semester hours must be 300 level or higher;
    • a grade of C or better is required in all computer science courses submitted in fulfillment of the major requirements.
  • Mathematics and Science:
    • 12 semester hours of mathematics, including MTH 120, MTH 121, MTH 122, and one elective at the 200 level or higher;
    • MTH 325, or IME 311, or QM 262;
    • 8 semester hours of science: two courses, with laboratories, designated for science or engineering majors, selected from: 
      • BIO 111+113, BIO 112+114, BIO 151+152, BIO 251+252, BIO 202
      • GES 101+102, GES 110+111
      • CHM 110+111, CHM 116+117
      • PHY 107, PHY 108, PHY 110, PHY 201

Computer Information Systems

The general requirements for the computer information systems major are:

  • Computer Science and Computer Information Systems:
    • 45 semester hours including CS 101, CS 102, CS 140, CS 210, CS 220, CS 370, CIS 393, CS 480, CIS 430, CIS 445, CIS 475, and CIS 491.
    • Choose one course from the following list: MIS 379 or equivalent, CIS 415, CIS 435, CIS 495.
    • A grade of C or better is required in all computer information systems and computer science courses presented in fulfillment of the major requirements.
  • Mathematics: MTH 120 and MTH 111; or equivalents. MTH 115 is recommended.
  • Psychology: PSY 101 and PSY 320; or equivalents.
  • Communication: COM 292 (recommended) or M L 354 or COM 300; or equivalents.
  • English: ENG 305 or ENG 306, or equivalents.
  • Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship: M L 350 and ENT 385 (recommended) or ENT 381 or ENT 280; or equivalents.


Computer Science and Computer Information Systems majors may also earn a concentration in one of the following areas: 1) Computer Game Technology, 2) Software, Web, and Computer Security, 3) Mobile Computing, or 4) Data Science.

Computer Game Technology Concentration - 12 hours

The Computer Game Technology concentration provides students with essential background, understanding, knowledge, and skills in the practice of computer game technology and software design and development. The concentration is comprised of 12 semester hours of study including 9 semester hours of required courses and 3 semester hours of elective courses as outlined below.

Required courses:

  • CIS 350 Foundations of Game Programming - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 450 Game Programming Design Patterns - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 459 (or I M 459) Computer Game Capstone Project - 3 hrs.

Elective courses (choose one from the following) - 3 hrs.

  • CIS 451 Computer Game Design or I M 288 Game Design I - 3 hrs
  • I M 489 Advanced Game Capstone - 6 hrs.
  • CIS 452 Computer Game Modification - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 455 (or I M 455) Computer Graphics - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 456 Game Engine Programming - 3 hrs.

Mobile Computing Concentration - 12 hours

The Mobile Computing concentration provides students with essential background, understanding, knowledge, and analytical and technical skills in advanced mobile technology and its applications in computer science, computer information systems, and the design and development of complex mobile software systems.

The concentration is comprised of 9 semester hours of required courses and 3 semester hours of elective semester hours of study as outlined below.

Required courses:

  • CIS 433 Mobile and Wireless Networks – 3 hrs.
  • CIS 446 Advanced Mobile Programming – 3 hrs.
  • CS 493 Agile Software Development – 3 hrs.

Elective courses (choose one from the following):

  • CIS 435 Computer Networks and System Security – 3 hrs.
  • CIS 495 Software and Web Applications Security – 3 hrs.

Due to the fast-changing learning content in Mobile Computing, see the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems for possible additional elective courses in this area.

Software, Web, and Computer Security Concentration - 12 hours

The Software, Web, and Computer Security concentration provides students with essential background, understanding, knowledge, and skills in the practice of software, Web, computer networks and computer systems security technology, and secure software and Web applications design and development. The concentration is comprised of 12 required semester hours of study as outlined below.

Required courses:

  • MIS 379 Information System Security, or equivalent - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 415 Applied Cryptography - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 435 Computer Networks and System Security - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 495 Software and Web Applications Security - 3 hrs.

Data Science Concentration - 12 hours

The Data Science concentration provides students with the necessary skills to effectively use large data sets to solve problems and potentially find new insights. The concentration is comprised of 12 semester hours of study including 6 semester hours of required courses and 6 semester hours of elective courses as outlined below.

Required courses:

  • CS 360 Fundamentals of Data Science- 3 hrs.
  • CS 463 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - 3 hrs.

Elective courses (choose two out of the following three courses):

  • CS 461 Artificial Intelligence – 3 hrs.
  • CS 462 Machine Learning – 3 hrs.
  • CS 472 Distributed Databases and Big Data - 3 hrs.

Computer Science And Information Systems Minor

The requirements for a minor in computer science and information systems are:

  1. a total of 22 hours in computer science (CS) or computer information systems (CIS) courses, including CS 101, CS 102, CS 140, and CS 210 courses;
  2. at least 9 of these hours must be in courses numbered 300 or above, excluding CIS 300 course.
  3. MTH 120

Non-majors interested in the minor should consult the department and develop an individualized plan based on the student's area of interest.

Computer Game Technology Minor

The Computer Game Technology minor provides students with essential background, understanding, knowledge, and skills in the practice of computer game software design and development. The minor is comprised of 25 semester hours of study including 19 semester hours of required courses and 6 semester hours of elective courses as outlined below.

Required courses - 19 hrs.

  • CS 101 Introduction to Programming or equivalent - 4 hrs.
  • CS 102 Data Structures or equivalent - 3 hrs.
  • CS 140 Advanced Programming Concepts and Languages or equivalent - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 350 Foundations of Game Programming or I M 289 Game Production I or equivalent - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 450 Game Programming Design Patterns - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 459 Computer Game Capstone Project - 3 hrs.

Elective courses (choose two 3 hrs. courses or one 6 hrs. course) - 6 hrs.

  • CIS 451 Computer Game Design or I M 288 Game Design I - 3 hrs.
  • I M 489 Advanced Game Capstone - 6 hrs.
  • CIS 452: Computer Game Modification - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 455 (or I M 455) Computer Graphics - 3 hrs.
  • CIS 456 Game Engine Programming - 3 hrs.

Data Science Minor

The Data Science minor provides students with the necessary skills to effectively use large data sets to solve problems and potentially find new insights. The minor is composed of courses covering the knowledge discovery process, i.e., students learn techniques on how to collect and understand data and its properties, such as quality and completeness, prepare data for analysis, and analyze data using models (specific machine learning and data mining algorithms or techniques) and visualize solutions. This minor, and the field of Data Science, is the confluence of several related computer science sub-disciplines, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Databases and Information Retrieval, Statistics, and Operations Research. The minor is comprised of 25 to 26 semester hours of study as outlined below.

Required courses:

  • CS 101 Introduction to Programming or equivalent - 4 hrs.
  • CS 102 Data Structures or equivalent - 3 hrs.
  • One three credit hour course in Statistics (Choose from: MTH 111, MTH 325, QM 262, PSY 205, ECE 302, IME 311, ENC 310, or equivalent), or two courses totaling 3 credit hours in Statistics (BIO 260 and BIO 261, or equivalent) - 3 hrs.
  • One course in Discrete Math (MTH 120 or equivalent) or one course in Calculus (MTH 115 or MTH 121) - 3 or 4 hrs.
  • CS 360 Fundamentals of Data Science - 3 hrs.


  • Three courses at the 300 level or above from a pool of Data Science related courses approved by the department, including CS 461, CS 462, CS 463, CS 370, CS 472, CIS 476.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.