Criminology Courses

CRM 110 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System (3 hours)
An introduction to the criminal justice systems in America, including policy making, law enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, and corrections. In addition to the institutions of the various systems, the major theoretical perspectives for explaining deviance and the societal response to deviance will be explored.

CRM 120 - Introduction to Criminology (3 hours)
This course provides an introduction to and overview of the field of criminology. Biological bases, psychological foundations, and sociological influences on crime and criminal offending will be examined, as well as data, trends, and research pertaining to crime types (e.g., crimes against the person, crimes against property, white collar and corporate crime). Links between theory and policy will are highlighted throughout the course. Prerequisite:

CRM 130 - Introduction to Investigations (3 hours)
An exploration of the principles of criminal investigation, including crime scene analysis, collection and analysis of physical evidence, the use of physical evidence in prosecution of crime, and the rules governing the introduction of physical evidence in court. Social and political issues affecting criminal investigations will also be covered.

CRM 225 - Criminal Law (3 hours)
An analysis of the history and development of the criminal law as a system of social control. Coverage includes the scope, purposes, and general principles of the criminal law as well as the elements of specific crimes. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110

CRM 230 - Introduction to Computer Forensics (3 hours)
Provides an overview of computer forensics, investigation techniques, and relevant laws. Covers computer operating system architectures and disk structures and their relevance to computer forensics. Cross listed as CIS 230. Prerequisite: Previous computer class or consent of instructor

CRM 250 - Police Organization and Administration (3 hours)
An introduction to the principles of organization and management of law enforcement bureaucracies, with an emphasis on the tasks faced by managers and the guiding principles used to complete these tasks. Students will consider the unique problems of managing a police bureaucracy in a democratic society. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110

CRM 301 - Theories of Crime and Justice (3 hours)
This course is designed to provide an introductory survey of theories of crime, law, and justice. Students will be introduced to the importance of theory in criminology and criminal justice, the philosophical foundations of criminological theory, historical developments in the field, as well as contemporary trends and issues. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110; junior or senior status; or consent of instructor

CRM 330 - Advanced Computer Forensics (3 hours)
Provides students an extensive look at computer forensics and formal techniques used in computer forensics in a lab environment. Formal techniques for conducting a computer forensics investigation including record-keeping are covered. Students will conduct computer forensic exams and participate in practical computer forensic examination exercises. Cross listed as CIS 330. Prerequisite: CIS 230 or CJS 230

CRM 360 - Drugs and Crime (3 hours)
Introduction to and overview of legal and illegal drugs, their use and abuse, and connection to crime and criminal justice. Particular attention is given to basic drug pharmacology, theories of drug use, the link between drugs and violence, the drug industry and law and policy pertaining to the control of drugs and drug use. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110; or consent of instructor

CRM 380 - Topics in Crime, Law, and Justice (3 hours)
This course challenges students to critically explore the empirical, theoretical, and/or applied elements of special topics and key issues within the study of crime, law, and justice. This course may be repeated under different topic for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110; junior or senior status; or consent of instructor

CRM 401 - Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice (3 hours)
This course is designed to familiarize students with key theories, concepts, and principles in criminal justice ethics, their relevance for moral reasoning and decision-making, and their importance and practical value in everyday and professional contexts. Through this course students will be introduced to and asked to critically examine the relationship between ethics, crime, and criminal justice, several key challenges to ethical behavior, the ways in which morality has and does impact law and criminal justice policy, major models of ethical decision-making, and key variations of unethical behavior within police, courts, and corrections. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110; junior or senior status; or consent of instructor

CRM 480 - Directed Readings in Crime, Law, and Justice (1-3 hours)
Student-initiated, individualized readings and/or research to facilitate exploration or understanding of a criminological or criminal justice topic not sufficiently covered by or beyond the scope of formally developed coursework within the department. May be repeated for up to 6 hours of credit. Prerequisite: CRM 110 OR CJS 110; junior or senior status; or consent of instructor

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.