
All programs offered by the Foster College of Business, Bradley University, are accredited by the AACSB International: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

FACULTY Professors Iyer (chair), Muncy, O'Brien; Assistant Professor Nezami; Instructors Eskridge, Rottier

Marketing is the backbone of the free enterprise system where individual firms compete to satisfy the demands for goods and services of consumers, businesses, and government. Marketing managers discover the needs and desires of its customers and adapt market offerings to fulfill customer needs, wants, and desires. This process requires planning, research and analysis in areas such as product, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

The Curriculum In General

The Department of Marketing offers a flexible professional program with a major in marketing that also allows the pursuit of a specific curriculum path designed to prepare the individual for entry into a marketing career area. This thorough background in general marketing techniques and the opportunity to pursue a marketing specialization are further enhanced by provision of a variety of opportunities to receive practical business and marketing experience. Through courses such as MTG 304, 341, 381, and 490 as well as a required College course, M L 452, the student can gain valuable experience in marketing research, advertising, marketing strategy, and sales. This form of learning can give more meaning to the academic work and help to develop a greater appreciation for the value of marketing. Marketing majors may choose from concentrations in global supply chain management and social media marketing. Non-marketing majors may earn minors in marketing, professional selling, or social media marketing.

Marketing Major


To major in marketing, a student must earn a minimum of 24 semester hours credit in marketing courses with the following requirements:

  1. Required courses:
    • MTG 205 Marketing Presentations - 1.5 hrs.
    • MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hrs.
    • MTG 341 Marketing Research I - 3 hrs.
    • MTG 490 Managerial Marketing - 3 hrs.
    • Marketing Electives - 10.5 hrs.
  2. Students may count a maximum of 3 credit hours of 100-200 level marketing courses toward the 24 semester hours in marketing.
  3. Students must obtain a minimum grade average of "C" in their marketing courses, as well as complete the university and college requirements. Students will also be required to take, in residence, a minimum of 9 semester hours of marketing courses beyond MTG 315

Concentration in Global Supply Chain Management

The Concentration in Global Supply Chain Management prepares graduates to address the growing influence of the supply chain on the success of businesses and institutions. For students who complete the Concentration in Global Supply Chain Management, all classes listed below (including IB 402 and IME 385) will be considered marketing hours that count toward fulfilling the required 24 hours of marketing credit.

  • MTG 388 Global Supply Chain Management – 3 hrs.
  • IME 385 Introduction to Logistics Engineering – 3 hrs. or MTG 402 Logistics Tools and Techniques - 3 hrs.
  • MTG 394 Supply Chain Tools and Techniques - 3 hrs.
  • I B 402 Global Trade Management – 3 hrs.
  • MTG 304 Professional Selling or MTG 420 Business Marketing - 3 hrs.
    15 hours

Concentration in Social Media Marketing

The concentration in social media marketing prepares graduates to address the growing influence of social media on the marketing programs of businesses, institutions, and governments. The concentration requires 12 hours of specific coursework within the 13.5 elective hours of the marketing major.

  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior - 3 hrs.
  • MTG 381 Integrated Marketing Communications - 3 hrs.
  • MTG 391 Social Media Marketing - 3 hrs.
  • One 3-hour course from the following list that represents potential domains for the application of social media:
    • MTG 304 Professional Selling
    • MTG 393 Retailing
    • MTG 405 Strategic Advertising Cases
    • MTG 420 Business Marketing
    12 hours

Career Paths

The curriculum flexibility and diversity within the marketing program allow the individual to specialize in a particular marketing area. The marketing specialization areas shown below illustrate potential choices for students interested in a given specialty within marketing. Regardless of electives chosen, each student must satisfy the marketing major requirements outlined in the previous section.

Advertising Specialization

Suggested Marketing Electives

  • MTG 304 Professional Selling
  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MTG 381 Integrated Marketing Communications
  • MTG 391 Social Media Marketing
  • MTG 405 Strategic Advertising Cases

Other Suggested Courses

  • ART 305 Editorial Design
  • COM 300 or 325

Marketing Research Specialization

Suggested Marketing Electives

  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MTG 360 Product and Price Strategy
  • MTG 406 Marketing Analytics
  • MTG 407 Customer Analytics
  • MTG 441 Marketing Research II
  • MTG 492 Independent Study or Research in Marketing

Other Suggested Courses

  • An additional advanced writing course beyond the 300-level university requirement; ENG 305 Technical Writing or ENG 306 Business Communication is encouraged.
  • MIS 374 Database Management and Administration or QM 326 Business Forecasting

Marketing Management Specialization

Suggested Marketing Electives

  • MTG 346 International Marketing
  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MTG 360 Product and Price Strategy
  • MTG 388 Global Supply Chain Management

    Other Suggested Courses
  • ECO 332, 333, or 335
  • PSY 321 Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Retailing Specialization

Suggested Marketing Electives

  • MTG 304 Professional Selling
  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MTG 360 Product and Price Strategy
  • MTG 388 Global Supply Chain Management
  • MTG 393 Retailing

Other Suggested Courses

  • FCS 336 The History of Fashion
  • M L 357 Leading Organizations or ENT 382 Entrepreneurship

Industrial Marketing/Sales Management Specialization

Suggested Marketing Courses:

  • MTG 304 Professional Selling
  • MTG 346 International Marketing
  • MTG 360 Product and Price Strategy
  • MTG 388 Global Supply Chain Management
  • MTG 492 Independent Study or Research in Marketing

Other Suggested Courses:

  • COM 292 Organizational Communication or COM 305 The Persuasive Process
  • PSY 354 Social Psychology or PSY 321 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • SOC 100 The Sociological Perspective
  • M L 356 Human Capital in Organizations or M L 357 Leading Organizations

Typical Course Sequence

For a four-year course plan for each major in the Foster College of Business, go to:

Minors In Marketing

Fifteen hours of course work are required for the minors.

Transfer policies for minors are the same as those for Foster College of Business majors. Grades of "D" in business courses will not be accepted as transfer hours in the Foster College of Business, but may be counted by the university. Prior approval of transfer credit must be secured from the chair of the Department of Marketing. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 must be earned in all courses taken at Bradley and in the minor.

Marketing minors whose major is also from the Foster College of must have at least 12 hours in courses that are unique from those used to fulfill their major requirement.

The marketing minors are not open to marketing majors. A student may not be awarded more than one of the three minors offered by the Department of Marketing.

I. Marketing Minor

While marketing majors have a variety of in-depth exposures to this important and productive field, other students at Bradley may benefit from marketing courses as well. The marketing minor enhances other programs of study and provides career flexibility. Students with a minor in marketing will:

  • Benefit from enhanced employment opportunities;
  • Develop an understanding of the marketing and customer issues applicable to all firms; and
  • Learn communication skills that will facilitate cross-functional relationships with marketing personnel.

Marketing Minor Requirements

  • ECO 100 Introduction to Economics or ECO 221 Principles of Microeconomics 3 hrs.
  • MTG 315 Principles of Marketing 3 hrs.
  • Marketing Electives (numbered 300 or above) 9 hrs.

15 hours

II. Minor in Social Media Marketing

The Social Media Marketing Minor prepares students for addressing a critical area of concern to retailers, sports marketers, non‐profit marketers, and other entities that wish to create a community around their market offerings. Organizations across a broad array of market sectors are heavily engaged in social media marketing and foresee continued expansion of those activities.

Specific objectives:

  • Build a foundation in consumer behavior that allows students to understand the mechanisms that may be influenced through social media (e.g., social identity, product perceptions, consumer motivation, attitude formation).
  • Develop an understanding of the basic principles underlying consumer information processing.
  • Develop a framework for understanding firm decisions regarding goals and objectives for marketing programs and the implications for the use of social media.
  • Be able to support the integration of social media into the marketing mix decisions of the firm (e.g., customer communication, community‐building, generation of product enhancement ideas, customer feedback).

Minor in Social Media Marketing Requirements

  • MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hrs.
  • MTG 350 Consumer Behavior - 3 hrs.
  • MTG 381 Integrated Marketing Communications – 3 hrs.
  • MTG 391 Social Media Marketing – 3 hrs.
  • One the following 3-hour courses, which represent potential domains for the application of social media:
    • MTG 304 Professional Selling
    • MTG 393 Retailing
    • MTG 405 Strategic Advertising Cases
    • MTG 420 Business Marketing
    15 hours

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.