International Business Program

All programs offered by the Foster College of Business, Bradley University, are accredited by the AACSB International: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Faculty: Faculty: Iyer (Director), Foley.

The international business major is interdisciplinary, integrating international studies and foreign languages with business. Supplementing the academic program are opportunities for participating in internships with international companies, study abroad, and internationally oriented business outreach.

The objective of the international business curriculum is to provide opportunities for students to gain competence in various aspects of global business operations. In addition, a broad training incorporating international studies and foreign language will make the student better prepared to assume managerial positions with business enterprises. Most international business majors will seek employment with companies engaged in international business activities, such as exporters and multinational corporations. Other potential employers include international business intermediaries (banks, trading companies, research and consulting firms, transportation agencies, port authorities, and so on), international economic institutions, and state and federal agencies.

The need for a separate curriculum in international business is reinforced by growing internationalization and globalization of American business and interdependency of world economies. Today, businesses find themselves in intense competition with foreign companies here at home. More direct involvement in international business comes in the form of global sourcing activities, exporting, licensing and technology transfer, and foreign direct investment. A variety of small and large companies in the manufacturing, service, and agricultural sectors currently participate in international business.

Students may study international business at Bradley University in three ways. First, students may major in international business leading to an undergraduate baccalaureate degree. Others may pursue international business in addition to another major outside the Foster College of Business. Still others may take as electives one or more courses in international business.

Graduation Requirements

International Business Major Requirements

In addition to the University and Foster College of Business requirements, students enrolled in the international business major must fulfill a minimum of 54 credit hours meeting the following requirements:

World Language - 12 hrs.

  • For French, German, or Spanish: 12 hours at 200 level or above, in the same language.
  • For Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, or Mandarin: 12 hours at the 100 level or above, in the same language.

International Studies/Political Science - 6 hrs.

IS 103 or PLS 208, 104 Introduction to International Studies - 6 hrs.

Area Studies* - 6 hrs.

  • Africa: IS 340, 440, 448
  • Asia: IS 182, 385
  • East Asia: HIS 207, IB 204, IS 285, 318, 381
  • Europe: IS 330, 331
  • Globalization: IS 410, 475
  • Latin America: HIS 125, IS 322, 323
  • Middle East: HIS 206, IS 363
  • Russia/CIS: HIS 208, IS 353, 355, 359
  • South & Southeast Asia: IS 373

* An IS course used to satisfy the BCC World Cultures or Global Perspectives requirement may be counted toward the Area Studies requirement in International Business. Courses fulfilling the Area Studies requirement, other than those listed above, must be approved by the director of the International Business program.

International Business - 15 hrs.

  • IB 206 Introduction to International Business - 3 hrs. (required for all International Business majors)
  • IB 402 Global Trade Management - 3 hrs.
  • IB 323 International Financial Management - 3 hrs.
  • IB 446 Global Marketing Management - 3 hrs.
  • A Second Major or Minor in Business - minimum 12 hrs.

Complete a minor or second major in the FCB with a minimum of 12 unique credit hours.

Study Abroad - 3 hrs.

In addition to the above requirements, each international business major is required to earn at least three semester hours (or the equivalent) of college credit while enrolled in one or more approved study abroad programs.

Other Requirements

  1. All International Business (IB) majors need to complete IB 402 before they can enroll in IB 446. IB 402 is a pre-requisite to IB 446.
  2. All IB majors need to take IB 446 in the senior year of their program of study.
  3. All IB majors need to take BUS 400 (section 9) in their final semester after completion of IB 446.

Typical Course Sequence

For a four-year course plan for each major in the Foster College of Business, go to:

Study Abroad And Co-Op Opportunities

International business majors are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one study abroad experience. The university offers ongoing study abroad opportunities described elsewhere in this catalog. For opportunities relating to participation in other overseas study programs, students should inquire with the university's director of study abroad.

The business Cooperative Education/Internship opportunity is also described elsewhere in this catalog. Opportunities may become available for international business majors to obtain their practical experience in a position related to international business.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.