Manufacturing Engineering Technology Courses

IMT 200 - Co-Op Assignment (0 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Full-time cooperative education assignment for manufacturing engineering technology students who alternate periods of full-time school with periods of full-time academic or career-related work in industry. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in the College of Engineering and Technology, 2.0 overall gradepoint average at Bradley, approval of engineering and technology Co-op coordinator and Co-op faculty advisor.

IMT 212 - Technical Calculus I (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. MA
Core Curr. QR
Differentiation and integration of algebraic functions; applications to technology. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MTH 109 or 112 or a score of at least 61 in the mathematics placement exam

IMT 214 - Technical Calculus II (3 hours)
Gen. Ed. MA
Core Curr. QR
Solution of first and second order differential equations; fourier series; polar coordinates; calculus of functions of two variables. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in IMT 212.

IMT 222 - Statics (3 hours)
Force systems in two and three dimensions: equilibrium; structures; distributed force; moments of inertia, friction, and work. Prerequisite: IMT 212 or MTH 115, or equivalents.

IMT 232 - Physical Metallurgy (3 hours)
Crystal structures, metallography, destructive and nondestructive evaluation, physical properties, and applications of ferrous materials and alloys. Prerequisite: PHY 107, CHM 100

IMT 262 - Applied Statistics and Quality Control (3 hours)
Application of statistical methods: evaluating and designing experiments; fitting curves; determining confidence levels; aiding in selection and comparison of designs and products for quality control. Prerequisite: IMT 212.

IMT 322 - Dynamics (3 hours)
Study of particle and rigid body motion using principles of force-mass-acceleration, work-energy, and momentum. Prerequisite: IMT 222, IMT 214.

IMT 324 - Strength of Materials (4 hours)
Stresses, strains, shearing, bending moments, design of beams for strength and deflection. Combined stresses and strains, torsion, columns, and axial loaded members. Prerequisite: IMT 222 or equivalent.

IMT 328 - Mass and Energy Transfer (4 hours)
An introduction to fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics. Heat, work, equilibrium, and reversible processes. Conservation of mass, linear momentum, and energy. Heat transfer by conduction, radiation, convection. Prerequisite: IMT 214; IMT 222.

IMT 332 - Non-Metallic Materials (3 hours)
Properties, manufacturing techniques, and applications of nonmetallic materials including plastics, ceramics, composites, and electronic materials. Emphasizes design and processing considerations for quality products. Lecture and Lab. Prerequisite: IMT 232.

IMT 333 - Materials Science Laboratory (1 hour)
Laboratory practices and experience for basic materials science investigations. Mechanical testing, metallographic examination and thermal treatment of metals, non-destructive and destructive testing of non-metallic materials. Prerequisite: IME 331 or IMT 232

IMT 342 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes I (3 hours)
Traditional forging, rolling, extrusion, and sheet forming processes; processing limits. Applications of machining processes. Analysis of tool forces, heat generation, deflection, operation parameters, and resultant surface qualities and integrity. Processing economics and optimization. Lecture and Lab. Prerequisite: IMT 232, IMT 262, IMT 324, and IME 341.

IMT 344 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes II (3 hours)
Principles of metal casting and nonmetallic molding processes, powder metal processes, traditional metal joining processes, fabrication, and assembly. Tooling and equipment required, manufacturing parameters, tolerances, and economics of these operations. Lecture and Lab. Prerequisite: IMT 232, IMT 262, IMT 324, and IME 341.

IMT 346 - Electricity & Automation (3 hours)
Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing & Automation including: single- and three-phase power systems and transformers, programmable logic controllers, sensors and transducers, DC and AC Motors and control. Overview of industrial robots, systems, concepts, end effectors, computer control, specifications, justifications, and programming. Lecture and Lab. Prerequisite: IME 110, PHY 107

IMT 362 - Metrology and Instrumentation (3 hours)
Precision measurement and its relationship to Geometric dimensioning and tolerances (GD&T) and calibrations. Conduct Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) for appropriate process measures. Statistical process control and quality assurance using automated gauges. Use of machine vision, Coordinate Measurement Machine, Robotic measurement arm, non-contact measuring systems. Prerequisite: IME 341 Corequisite: IMT 262 or IME 302 or equivalent

IMT 366 - Manufacturing Facilities Design (3 hours)
Principles and practices in designing, evaluating, and organizing existing facilities or creating new facilities. Emphasis on AutoCAD/Factory CAD-based new facility design project - product design, production flow analysis, activity relationship analysis, layout deployment, materials handling, office and other service requirement design, and the necessary cost analysis for the new facility. Prerequisite: IME 383 or IME 386, and IME 341

IMT 392 - Mechanical Component Design I (3 hours)
Application of design principles covering: stress analysis, deflection, failure theories, fatigue, gears. Manufacturability and the use of references and manufacturers' data. Prerequisite: IMT 232, IMT 262, IMT 324.

IMT 394 - Dynamics of Machines (3 hours)
Velocities, accelerations, and forces in existing mechanisms. Design and analysis of linkages, cams, rolling contact, and drive trains. Prerequisite: IMT 322.

IMT 409 - Selected Manufacturing Projects (1-4 hours)
Individual or small team projects. May be of an experimental, analytical, or creative nature. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit.

IMT 410 - Selected Manufacturing Topics (1-4 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic is stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit.

IMT 446 - Computer Aided Manufacturing and Automation (3 hours)
Computer assisted process planning and estimating. Concepts of computer control and feedback mechanisms. Design considerations for machine tools, machining cells, robotics, and flexible manufacturing systems. Lecture and Lab. Prerequisite: IMT 346, or consent of instructor

IMT 448 - Tooling Systems (3 hours)
Analysis, design, and layout of manufacturing tooling, including jigs and fixtures, gauging devices, and dies. Analysis of tooling for varying production volume, lead time, process capability, and cost. Laboratory in tooling and layout simulation. Prerequisite: IME 395, IMT 346; IMT 342 or IMT 344.

IMT 464 - Process Design and Planning (3 hours)
Translation of product design into specifications for manufacturing equipment and methods, simultaneous engineering, CAD/CAM, and organizational structures. Production volumes, life cycles, flexibility, skills, and cost. Prerequisite: IMT 342 or IMT 344; IMT 346.

IMT 492 - Mechanical Component Design II (3 hours)
Application and design principles. Inelastic stresses, fasteners, weldments, springs, bearings, shafts, clutches, belts, and chains. Manufacturability and the use of references and manufacturers' data Prerequisite: IMT 392.

IMT 494 - Computer Aided System Design (3 hours)
Application of design principles to definition of component properties, as determined by vibration, static, dynamic, and thermal loading for production system components and component systems. Techniques include analytical and FEM procedures. Prerequisite: IMT 214, IMT 394, IMT 492.

IMT 498 - Senior Industrial Project (4 hours)
Core Curr. EL,WI
Application of engineering technology principles to solve a real-world problem. Student works as a member of team assigned to a problem in a manufacturing or processing organization. Requires a professional written and oral report. Cross-listed with IME 499 Prerequisite: 30 hours of IMET Department courses with a minimum 2.25 GPA; COM 103; consent of course coordinator.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.