
FACULTY Professors: Adams (Chair), Gullifor, Dickhaus, Gabor, Banning, Netzley; Associate Professors: Horn; Assistant Professors: Guo, Marsh; Instructors in Residence: Eilola, Lennie, Sandoval.


Programs in the Department of Communication integrate academic study of communication with professional education in advertising & public relations, journalism, organizational communication, sports communication, and television arts. We encourage collaboration among faculty, students, external partners, and the community. We embrace and support the democratic principles of a free, open, and diverse society. Our mission is to educate students to think, act, and communicate effectively, ethically, critically, and creatively in the global environment to enrich their personal and professional lives.

Admission Requirements

  1. Bradley students transferring into the department must have a 2.25 grade point average for at least 12 hours of course work in order to declare a major and/or minor in the Department of Communication.
  2. Students transferring from other institutions must have a 2.25 overall grade point average to be admitted to a major and/or minor in the department. External transfer students not having a 2.25 overall grade point average must earn a 2.25 at Bradley for at least 12 hours of course work before declaring a major and/or minor in the department. Courses taken at other institutions must be evaluated by the Admissions Office and then by the department’s advisor for transfer students.
  3. Internal and external transfer students may need at least one extra semester to complete graduation requirements because of prerequisites and core course requirements in the major and/or minors.
  4. Current Bradley University students and external transfer students who meet departmental admission requirements and who wish to change to or add a communication major must first meet with the department chair for an initial academic advisement session. Applications may be processed at any time except during the following periods:
    • Seven workdays prior to the beginning of the semester to the end of the drop/add period as defined in the academic calendar in the Schedule of Classes.
    • Seven workdays prior to the beginning of early registration to the end of the early registration period as defined in the academic calendar in the Schedule of Classes.

General Requirements:

  1. Students must earn a C or better in every core course.
  2. Students may not enroll in communication courses for which a core course is a prerequisite unless they have earned a C or better in the core course.
  3. For graduation, all department majors must have a grade point average of 2.25 for all courses taken in the major and/or minor (including courses outside the department required for the major).
  4. Department majors and/or minors may not apply a course to more than one requirement .
  5. Both the Organizational Communication Minor and Journalism minor are open to department majors.

Major Requirements

Course Requirements:

Must complete requirements for the core and one major.

Core Requirements

  • COM 101 Survey of Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 300 Communication Theory - 3 hrs.
  • COM 417 Issues and Perspectives in Communications - 3 hrs.

Total Core Hours Required - 9 hrs.

Majors: Advertising, Journalism, Organizational Communication, Public Relations, Sports CommunicationTelevision Arts.

Advertising & Public Relations Major

COM Core Courses - 9 hrs.

  • COM 101: Survey of Communications - 3 hrs
  • COM 300: Communication Theory - 3 hrs
  • COM 417: Issues and Perspectives in Communication - 3 hrs

Advertising & Public Relations: Core Courses - 24 hrs

  • COM 201 Journalistic Writing - 3 hrs
  • COM 219 Public Relations - 3 hrs
  • COM 220 Advertising as Communication - 3 hrs
  • COM 320 Advertising Creative Strategy - 3 hrs
  • COM 322 Media Planning - 3 hrs
  • COM 325 Advertising Design and Production - 3 hrs
  • COM 327 Public Relations Writing - 3 hrs
  • COM 400 Communications Research - 3 hrs

Advertising & Public Relations: Capstone (choose one)

  • COM 480 Public Relations: Case Studies & Campaigns - 3 hrs
  • COM 481 Advertising Campaigns - 3 hrs

Advertising & Public Relations: Electives (choose two)

  • COM 318 Health Communication - 3 hrs
  • COM 326 Digital Analytics - 3 hrs
  • COM 360 Digital Journalism - 3 hrs
  • COM 383 Desktop Publishing - 3 hrs
  • COM 388 Social Media Communication - 3 hrs
  • COM 391 Topics in Communication - 3 hrs
  • COM 437 Advertising in a Global Environment - 3 hrs
  • COM 438 Public Relations in a Global Environment - 3 hrs
  • COM 447 Issues and Ethics in Advertising (WI) - 3 hrs
  • COM 480 Public Relations: Case Studies & Campaigns - 3 hrs
  • COM 481 Advertising Campaigns - 3 hrs
  • COM 491 Topics in Communication - 3 hrs
  • COM 494 Communication Expedition - 3 hrs
  • COM 495 Communication Internship - 3 hrs

Total Hours Required for Major: 42

Journalism Major

Major Requirements (18 hrs.)

  • COM 201 Journalistic Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 215 Basic Reporting - 3 hrs.
  • COM 225 Visual Storytelling - 3 hrs.
  • COM 330 Communication Law and Ethics - 3 hrs.
  • COM 360 Digital Journalism - 3 hrs.
  • COM 425 Advanced Reporting - 3 hrs.

Electives (12 hrs.)

One course (3 hrs.) from:

  • COM 315 Intercultural Communication Theory - 3 hrs.
  • COM 386 Media, Race, and Gender - 3 hrs.
  • COM 415 Global Media Systems - 3 hrs.

Three courses (9 hrs.) from:

  • ART 228 Basic Digital Photography - 3 hrs.
  • COM 204 Audio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 307 News Feature Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 310 Broadcast News Reporting and Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 314 Introduction to Video: Studio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 323 Newspaper Editing and Design 3
  • COM 335 Introduction to Video: Field Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 340 Magazine Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 345 Photojournalism and Documentary Photography - 3 hrs.
  • COM 365 Digital Photography - 3 hrs.
  • COM 414 Advanced Video - Studio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 435 Advanced Video - Field Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 494 Communication Expedition - 1–3 hrs.
  • COM 495 Communication Internship - 1–3 hrs.

Total Hours Required for Major: 39

Organizational Communication Major

Core Requirements (9 hrs.)

  • COM 101 Survey of Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 300 Communication Theory (WI) - 3 hrs.
  • COM 417 Issues & Perspectives in Communication (WI) - 3 hrs.

Required Courses (18 hrs.)

  • COM 201 Journalistic Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 219 Public Relations - 3 hrs.
  • COM 292 Organizational Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 392 Case Studies in Organizational Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 393 Small Group Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 400 Communications Research - 3 hrs.

Elective Courses (Choose 9 hrs.)

  • COM 318 Health Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 326 Digital Analytics - 3 hrs.
  • COM 327 Public Relations Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 384 Organizational Accidents - 3 hrs.
  • COM 387 Strategic Communication in Organizational Contexts - 3 hrs.
  • COM 388 Social Media Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 394 Communication and Conflict Management - 3 hrs.
  • COM 395 Interviewing Communication: Process and Strategy - 3 hrs.
  • COM 397 Virtual Teams, Communication and Collaboration - 3 hrs.
  • COM 416 Researching Communication and Organizational Culture - 3 hrs.

Communication Courses (Choose 3 hrs.)

  • COM 305 The Persuasive Process - 3 hrs.
  • COM 315 Intercultural Communication Theory - 3 hrs.
  • COM 430 Media Management - 3 hrs.
  • COM 495 Communication Internship - 3 hrs.

Total Hours Required for Major: 39

Sports Communication Major

Required Courses (24 hrs.)

  • IM 113 Introduction to Multimedia - 3 hrs.
  • COM 160 Sports, Media, and Society - 3 hrs.
  • COM 201 Journalistic Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 265 Ethical Issues in Sports Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 360 Digital Journalism - 3 hrs.
  • COM 370 Global Perspectives on Sport - 3 hrs.
  • COM 400 Communications Research - 3 hrs.
  • COM 460 Sports Promotion and Publicity - 3 hrs.

Required Non-Communication Course (3 hrs.)

  • Choose one of the following:
    • ATG 101 Survey of Accounting - 3 hrs.
    • ATG 157 Accounting Principles-Financial - 3 hrs.
    • MTH 111 Elementary Statistics - 3 hrs.

Required Electives (6 hrs.)

Students should select 6 hours from this list of electives, with at least 3 hours from the junior/senior level:

  • COM 215 Basic Reporting - 3 hrs.
  • COM 219 Public Relations - 3 hrs.
  • COM 220 Advertising as Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 260 Sports Writing and Announcing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 292 Organizational Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 310 Broadcast News Reporting and Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 335 Introduction to Video: Field Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 415 Global Media Systems - 3 hrs.
  • COM 420 Media Sales - 3 hrs.
  • COM 430 Media Management - 3 hrs.
  • COM 491 Topics in Communication* 1–3
  • COM 494 Communication Expedition* 1–3
  • COM 495 Communication Internship 1–3

* Must be sports related. Requires approval of department chair. No more than three hours from COM 491, 494, and 495 combined may count toward the major.

Total Hours Required for Major: 42

Television Arts Major

Required Courses (18 hrs.)

  • COM 201 Journalistic Writing – 3 hrs.
  • COM 203 Introduction to Electronic Media - 3 hrs.
  • COM 204 Audio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 314 Introduction to Video: Studio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 335 Introduction to Video: Field Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 400 Communications Research - 3 hrs.

Elective Courses (12 hrs.)

Students select 12 hours from the following list of electives. (No more than 3 hours of COM 495 may count toward the major):

  • COM 292 Organizational Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 330 Communication Law and Ethics - 3 hrs.
  • COM 414 Advanced Studio Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 415 Global Media System - 3 hrs.
  • COM 420 Media Sales - 3 hrs.
  • COM 430 Media Management - 3 hrs.
  • COM 435 Advanced Field Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 445 Nonlinear Post Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 450 Electronic Media Programming and Promotion - 3 hrs.
  • COM 495 Communication Internship - 3 hrs.

Total Hours Required for Major: 39

Minor Requirements

The Department of Communication offers a minor in Journalism, Organizational Communication, and a minor in Advertising and Public Relations. All minors are open to department majors.

Organizational Communication

The minor offers a relevant set of skills, knowledge, and abilities such as group and organizational communication, conflict resolution, consulting, and interviewing skills. The OC minor enhances other programs of study and provides career flexibility. Students with a minor in organizational communication will develop an understanding of organizational communication issues applicable to all types of organizations.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 must be earned in the minor. Department majors and/or minors may not apply a course to more than one requirement (e.g., if students pursue a Journalism major and an Organizational Communication minor, they cannot take COM 292 to complete both the elective requirement in JN and the basic requirement in OC).

Required Courses (9 hours)

  • COM 292 Organizational Communication – 3 hrs.
  • COM 392 Case Studies in Organizational Communication – 3 hrs.
  • COM 393 Small Group Communication – 3 hrs.

Elective Courses (choose 9 hours)

  • COM 305 The Persuasive Process – 3 hrs.
  • COM 315 Intercultural Communications Theory – 3 hrs.
  • COM 318 Health Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 326 Digital Analytics - 3 hrs.
  • COM 327 Public Relations Writing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 384 Organizational Accidents - 3 hrs.
  • COM 388 Social Media Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 394 Communication and Conflict Management – 3 hrs.
  • COM 395 Interviewing Communication: Process and Strategy – 3 hrs.
  • COM 397 Virtual Team, Communication and Collaboration – 3 hrs.
  • COM 416 Researching Organizational Cultures – 3 hrs.

Total Hours Required for Minor: 18


The minor allows students to develop journalistic skills — writing, editing, sourcing, interviewing, etc. — while learning the necessary technical capabilities, the history and ethics of the field, the legal underpinnings, the social responsibility of journalists, and a broader understanding of the news media industry and its practices.

Students will find these skills applicable in a variety of careers, whether they intend to pursue a news media or communications job, graduate or legal study, or any pursuit requiring strong writing skills, knowledge of public affairs, and critical thinking.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 must be earned in the minor. Department majors and/or minors may not apply a major or minor elective course to more than one requirement.

Required Courses (12 hours)

COM 201 Journalistic Writing – 3 hrs.

COM 215 Basic Reporting – 3 hrs.

COM 225 Visual Storytelling – 3 hrs.

COM 425 Advanced Reporting – 3 hrs.


Electives (choose 6 hours)

COM 204 Audio Production – 3 hrs.

COM 307 Feature Writing – 3 hrs.

COM 310 Broadcast News Reporting and Writing – 3 hrs.

COM 314 Intro to Video – Studio Production – 3 hrs.

COM 323 Newspaper Editing and Design – 3 hrs.

COM 330 Comm Law and Ethics – 3 hrs.

COM 335 Intro to Video – Field Production – 3 hrs.

COM 340 Magazine Production – 3 hrs.

COM 345 Photojournalism and Documentary Photography – 3 hrs.

COM 360 Digital Journalism – 3 hrs.

Total hours: 18

Advertising and Public Relations

Required Courses (15 hours)

  • *COM 219: Public Relations - 3 hrs.
  • *COM 220: Advertising as Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 320: Advertising Creative Strategy - 3 hrs.
  • COM 322: Media Planning - 3 hrs.
  • COM 327: Public Relations Writing - 3 hrs.

*Although COM 101 and COM 201 are required prerequisites for COM 219 and COM 220, advertising and public relations minors are exempt from needing to fulfill these prerequisites.

Elective Courses (choose one) - 3 hrs.

  • COM 318: Health Communication – 3 hrs.
  • COM 325: Advertising Design and Production - 3 hrs.
  • COM 326: Digital Analytics – 3 hrs.
  • COM 383: Desktop Publishing - 3 hrs.
  • COM 388: Social Media Communication - 3 hrs.
  • COM 437: Advertising in a Global Environment - 3 hrs.
  • COM 438: Public Relations in a Global Environment - 3 hrs.
  • COM 447: Issues and Ethics in Advertising (WI) - 3 hrs.

Total Hours: 18 hrs

This is the official catalog for the 2023-2024 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.