Graduate Education Policies

Student Course Load

  • Bradley requires that a minimum of 30 semester hours be successfully completed for a master’s degree and a minimum of 12 hours for a graduate certificate. Specific programs may require additional hours.
  • A full-time graduate student takes nine semester hours of coursework during a semester of the regular academic year; students are permitted to take more than nine hours with permission from their Program Coordinator and the Dean of the respective college. A course load of six semester hours in total is considered full time during the summer terms. A minimum of three semester hours is considered half-time enrollment during the summer terms.
    Recognizing that students often need time to catch up, get ahead, or update their knowledge, Bradley offers special terms for taking courses. In January Interim graduate students can earn up to four semester hours in classes that meet for approximately two weeks.
  • Full-time graduate assistants may not enroll in more than nine semester hours nor work more than 20 hours each week without written permission of their Graduate Coordinator and the Director of Graduate Education. Students holding a graduate assistantship must register be full-time.

Attendance Policy

The academic integrity and excellence of our programs depends on students attending their classes. For all graduate students at Bradley University, there is an expectation of attendance in class for all scheduled class meetings. Graduate students at Bradley University are expected to be on campus the first day of classes, if not before. Students should not assume they can add a class late or be enrolled in a class after the start of the course. Graduate students are expected to stay on campus and attend classes throughout the semester, through finals week.

Each faculty member has the right to establish requirements for attendance and participation unique to each of their courses. Course requirements (e.g., homework assignments, examinations, oral presentations, laboratory experiments/reports, participation in discussion, etc.) are not waived due to absence from class. Instructors may establish the academic impacts, even course failure, of absences. When student absence results from their involvement in other institutional business (e.g., presenting at a conference, short course attendance, field trip, off-campus research, etc.), the instructor should be given prior notification and reasonable accommodation for the absence should be negotiated between the instructor and student.

In cases of medical absences for full-time face-to-face graduate students, reasons for absences may be presented to the instructor by Student Support Services in consistency with the Health Services class absence notification policy found here.

For Graduate Assistants (GAs), those with assistantships, the expectation is that these students must:

  • Be on campus at least one week prior to the beginning of the semester in order to get their assigned duties and be prepared to begin their work at the start of the semester
  • Continue to perform their assigned duties throughout the semester with no extended absences
  • Be available to perform their duties through the end of finals week, or the date specified in the GA offer letter and contract

Graduate Assistants who do not comply with this attendance policy will lose their assistantship (tuition and stipend).

Graduate Education Dismissal Policy

  • Students who have a GPA below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and their tuition scholarships or graduate assistantships will be revoked. Students will then have two semesters in which to bring their GPA’s back to 3.0 or higher. Whether a student will be required to re-take a particular class will be left to the department’s discretion. If the student does not reach the minimum 3.0 GPA after two semesters they will be dismissed.
  • In keeping with past precedent, a graduate assistant who has unique skills/special circumstances which are required by a particular position (i.e., a lab or assistance with an undergraduate course) may be allowed to continue an assistantship while on academic probabtion if the coordinator, department chair, college dean, and Director of Graduate Education all approve. 
  • Conditionally admitted students who do not meet the conditions of their admission will be dismissed immediately upon failure to meet the conditions. A graduate student who is on academic probation for two consecutive semesters (fall and spring) will be dismissed.
  • Academic good standing does not automatically ensure continuation in a graduate program. A student may be dismissed for factors other than grades upon the recommendation of a committee of department faculty, the student’s advisor, the program coordinator/director, the chair of the department/director of graduate program, the dean of the college, and the Director of Graduate Education.
  • Dismissed students may petition for reinstatement into the program from which they have been dismissed by filing a Petition for Reinstatement to Graduate Study. Dismissed students are allowed to make only one petition for reinstatement to the program from which they have been dismissed. If the student is dismissed a second time after reinstatement, no additional petition for reinstatement will be considered. The Program coordinator/director, the department chairperson, the dean of the college, and the Director of Graduate Education must approve the petition for reinstatement. Petitions for reinstatement are available on the Graduate Education web site.
  • Dismissed students lose all financial assistance issued by Bradley University. A Request for Review of Graduate Financial Assistance will have to be submitted to request financial assistance after a student is reinstated.

    Time Limit For Degree/Certificate Completion

    • Candidates for a degree or certificate should complete all requirements within five years following the recording of their first graduate grades, including graduate courses taken as a student-at-large, and courses transferred into their graduate program from Bradley University or any other accredited institution of higher learning.
    • Students whose time limit for completion of degree/certificate has expired must submit a request to extend time with the readmission application. The request to extend time for completion of degree must be submitted in writing to the Director of Graduate Education.

    Continuous Registration Requirement

    Graduate students are required to maintain continuous registration unless approved by the Program Director and respective college dean for a temporary step-out of their program of study. Students may meet the continuous registration requirement by either enrolling, at stated tuition rates, for courses on the program of study approved by their advisor or by registering for 0 (zero) credit hour courses, at a cost of $100 per course, to complete a thesis, research, or project that is part of their program of study. Outstanding IN or IP grades from a previous semester do not meet the continuous registration requirement.

    • The continuous registration requirement does apply during summer term if one of the following also applies: student is attempting the comprehensive assessment in summer, is graduating in August, or has an IN or IP from a previous semester. If a student is unable to fulfill the continuous registration requirement, the student must request a temporary step-out/leave of absence of their program to be approved by their advisor and respective college dean. Any student who wishes to re-enroll after an absence of two major semesters (fall and spring) must reapply for admission to the program. Bradley offers courses (e.g. GRD 650 and 699) to assist students in meeting this requirement. Contact the Office of the Registrar for information about registering for these courses.
    • The cost of registration in a zero (0) credit hour course is $100 per course.

    Step-Out/Leave of Absence

    The leave of absence opportunity is available for graduate students who must leave Bradley University for a period of time not to exceed 12 consecutive months. A leave of absence may be granted for various reasons, such as personal, medical, or financial. The leave of absence must be approved in advance of the semester in which the leave of absence is to begin and can not be granted to a student who is on probation or dismissed from the University. For the complete policy, consult the Registrar’s Office or the dean of your college.

    Change Of Program

    • Students who are currently enrolled may apply for a Change of Program. A student wishing to change their program must complete a Change of Program form and submit it to the Director of Graduate Education a minimum of two weeks prior to the semester in which they wish to start the new program. Additional materials or test scores may be required at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Education and the new department for the Change of Program to be approved. Admission to a degree program does not guarantee a Change of Program will be approved.

    Graduate Program Concentrations

    • A concentration is a curricular subspecialty option associated with a graduate program which provides transcript recognition for students who fulfill a designated, specialized course of study. A concentration recognizes the student as having distinctive skills and training in one highly concentrated area within the program. The concentration course of study shall consist of at least 9 hours of graduate course work, selected from a university-approved list. A grade point of at least 3.00 must be earned in courses used toward fulfilling the concentration and only courses taken at Bradley University may be applied.
    • Courses used to satisfy the requirements of the concentration may also be applied toward the requirements of the graduate degree. Up to two concentrations can be awarded; however, because concentrations are additional degree designations there can be no course overlap between the concentrations.
    • Students must declare their intention to complete a concentration by completing the appropriate section on their Program of Study. A Student’s Program of Study leading to a concentration shall be planned by the student in consultation with his/her graduate academic advisor. To receive a concentration upon graduation, the student must file, with the Office of the Registrar, the Graduate Concentration Completion Form prior to the beginning of their final semester.

    Cross-Listed Graduate/Undergraduate Courses

    • For cross-listed graduate/undergraduate courses, the graduate-level course will have additional academic requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course.

    Repeated Courses

    • Upon approval of the program director, a graduate student may repeat a maximum of two courses in which he or she received grades of C or below. The second grade received for the course replaces the first grade received. However, semester hours for the course shall count only once toward the degree requirement.
    • Financial assistance funded by Bradley cannot be used towards repeated courses.

    Audited Courses

    • All Bradley students (undergraduate, graduate, full-time and part-time) in good academic standing registered for a given academic term, along with individuals admitted as a non-degree-seeking student for a given academic term may request permission to enroll as an “auditor.” Permission to audit a course must be approved by both the instructor and the chairperson of the department offering the course. Enrollment is contingent on having available space in the class. Except in special circumstances to be determined by the instructor and department chairperson, courses involving laboratory or studio work cannot be audited. Regular class attendance by persons not on the class roster is not permitted.
    • Forms for audit registration are available in the Registrar’s Office or online. Audit registrations are accepted by the Registrar’s Office only after the first day of classes of each academic term.
    • The extent to which an auditor participates in a course and the requirements for satisfactory performance must be specified by the instructor when approval is granted. Instructors are not obligated to grade any course work performed by the auditor. Courses taken for audit do not earn academic credit, do not apply toward any academic degree, and do not count toward a student’s full-time or part-time load for purposes of financial aid, loan deferments, or visa status. Courses taken for audit are recorded on the student’s permanent academic record as completed satisfactorily (“X”), completed unsatisfactorily (“UX”), or withdrawn (“W”).
    • After the last day for adding classes with special permission, anyone who is registered as an auditor may not change the audit registration to a “for credit” status, i.e. a regular registration; likewise, a student registered for credit may not change to audit status. Deadlines associated with courses taken for credit and courses taken for audit are identical.
    • All individuals will be charged a non-refundable fee for audited courses. The current fee is published at Student Financial Services (Tuition and Fees). Persons who have audited a course may petition to earn credit by proficiency examination; however, the charge for a proficiency examination for credit is based on the standard tuition structure determined by the Controller’s Office with a credit granted for charges associated with auditing.

    Transfer Of Credit

    • For a coherent program, master’s degree candidates should take all of their graduate coursework at one institution or consortium. Bradley will, however, accept six semester hours of transfer credit from another accredited institution, providing that (1) the grade in each graduate course offered for transfer is at least a B, and (2) the program coordinator recommends its acceptance to the respective college dean. In rare instances, and upon written approval of the Director of Graduate Education, more than six semester hours may be transferred; but in no instances will Bradley accept more than 12 semester hours of transfer credit. Grades of the courses transferred are not included in the calculation of the graduate grade point average. Students applying to have course credits transferred must submit an official transcript from the other institution and a Request to Transfer Graduate Credit form at admission. Students who wish to transfer course credits after admission should submit the request to the Director of Graduate Education. 
    • Students enrolled in Distance Education programs may only transfer nine semester hours.
    • No graduate course completed elsewhere can be transferred if five years pass between completion of the course and completion of the Bradley University graduate program. 
      • In rare instances, courses beyond the five-year limit may be considered for transfer upon the recommendation of the graduate coordinator and approval by the respective college dean. Please see the Time Limit for Degree/Certificate Completion policy in this Catalog (above). Courses taken between the spring and fall semesters will be considered as being taken during “summer.” This includes Bradley courses taken during May three-week, May eight-week, Summer I, and Summer II sessions. “Summer” will count as one semester in the determination of the age of the course.
    • Course credit earned for a completed bachelor's or graduate degree will not be applied to a later graduate program or certificate.

    Age Of Courses Eligible To Meet Prerequisite Requirements

    • Courses that serve as prerequisites for a degree or certificate program and that do not count directly toward graduate degree or certificate completion may be accepted to meet a prerequisite requirement provided they have been completed no longer than five years prior to the time the student begins his or her graduate program at Bradley University.

    Progression Toward Degree

    1. Graduate Program of Study
      1. Within the first semester of a degree seeking student’s graduate coursework, a completed Program of Study form must be approved by and filed with the Program Coordinator. The Program of Study form must identify all program requirements including requirements beyond those listed in the Graduate Catalog. Revisions to the Program of Study are initiated by submission by the student of a Change of Program of Study form. This must be approved by and filed with the Program Coordinator.
      2. The Office of the Registrar and the Program Coordinator will use the Program of Study form or degree audit to determine the student’s qualifications for and progress toward completion of his or her graduate degree or certificate.
    2. Comprehensive Assessment
      1. Each department offering a graduate program requires a comprehensive assessment of the student’s total experience as it relates to fulfilling the objectives of the program of study. The department offering the program shall determine the form and content of the assessment. The type of comprehensive assessment should be specified in the student’s Program of Study. The student is responsible for making arrangements with the program coordinator for completing the assessment. At least two weeks before the date on which the degree is to be conferred, the coordinator must report the quality of the assessment to the Office of the Registrar as Pass, Pass with Distinction, or Fail. The results of the assessment, as reported by the coordinator, will be posted on the student’s transcript.
      2. Students who receive a Fail on the assessment will be given only one additional opportunity for reassessment. The time frame in which the reassessment will take place is determined by the program, but must be within the time limit prescribed for finishing the degree.
      3. Students are required to be registered during the term in which they attempt to fulfill the comprehensive assessment requirement. Students who attempt the comprehensive assessment during the summer must be registered for one of the summer terms.
      4. Comprehensive Assessment results are due two (2) weeks before the end of the semester in fall and spring and two (2) weeks before the end of the Summer 2 session. If results are not received by the Office of the Registrar by the deadline the student will not be approved for graduation.
    3. Thesis/Dissertation 
      1. Departments of the University govern the thesis/dissertation option. Those students selecting this option must obtain information about thesis/dissertation requirements from their graduate coordinator. The general format and procedures for thesis filing are available online at
      2. The thesis/dissertation must be submitted two (2) weeks before the end of the semester in Fall and Spring and two (2) weeks before the end of the Summer 2 session before a student can be approved for graduation. If a student misses the deadline, they will have to apply for graduation in the next available graduation cycle and register for a zero (0) hour course.
    4. Application for Graduation
      1. Students must apply for graduation online using My Bradley. The application must be submitted when the candidate is registering for his or her final semester of study. Students finishing during a summer session should apply at the beginning of the term in which they plan to complete their requirements. Students who do not apply by the published deadlines will be considered for the following graduation cycle. They will have to register for a zero (0) hour in the next available semester.
      2. Applicants failing to complete all requirements for graduation in the semester for which they applied must reapply before they are considered for the next graduation cycle.
      3. Students are required to be registered during the term in which they plan to graduate. Students who plan to graduate in August must be registered for one of the summer terms. Students can register for a zero (0) credit hour of research or thesis or register for either GRD 650 or GRD 699. Contact the Office of the Registrar for information on registering for GRD 650 or GRD 699.
    5. Removal of Conditional Status
      1. A student must be in academic good standing to graduate. The student also must have met all conditions placed on him or her by the department and have been approved for unconditional status.
    6. Attendance at Commencement 
      1. A commencement convocation is held at the completion of the fall and spring semesters. Graduating students are encouraged to attend.

    University Policy on Awarding of Posthumous Degrees

    • Upon the request of the deceased student's family, a posthumous baccalaureate degree may be considered by the Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee, if at the time of death, the student was enrolled in a degree program, was in good academic standing, and had entered his or her senior year.
    • Upon the request of the deceased student's family, a posthumous graduate degree may be considered by the Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee, if at the time of death, the student was enrolled in a degree program, was in good academic standing, and had completed two thirds of the credit hours required for graduation.
    • The Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Committee will consider the family's request, verify eligibility for a posthumous degree, and forward its recommendation on granting the degree to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.
    • Upon the Provost's approval of granting the degree, the appropriate commencement program and the student's academic record will note that the degree was awarded posthumously. The diploma will be presented to the deceased student's family by the President of the University.
    • Death that results from unlawful activity on the part of the deceased student may result in disqualification for a posthumous degree.

    This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.