Art Course Descriptions

ART 500 - Advanced Studio (3-6 hours)
Advanced work in printmaking, drawing, photography, ceramics, sculpture, interdisciplinary studio or painting. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or completion of corresponding senior level course.

ART 590 - Art Seminar (3 hours)
Art history and theory seminar. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of twelve credit hours. Cross-listed under 490. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or qualified undergraduate art history major.

ART 600 - Photography Studio (1-6 hours)
Development of advanced technical, aesthetic and conceptual concerns through experimentation within the photographic media relating to appropriate historical and contemporary references. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 605 - Critique Seminar (1 hour)
Critique seminar, repeatable to a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

ART 610 - Drawing Studio (1-6 hours)
Analytical and conceptual evaluation of individual style and content emphasizing technical, creative, and digital competencies on a professional level. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 620 - Printmaking Studio (1-6 hours)
Technical and conceptual development with intaglio, relief, and planographic printing. Etching, engraving, wood, paper, and plastic relief printing, serigraphy and lithography. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 630 - Ceramics Studio (1-6 hours)
Techniques and material used in stoneware earthenware and porcelain production. Emphasis on creative development and technical competence. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 640 - Sculpture Studio (1-6 hours)
Technical and conceptual information about wood and stone carving and construction, welding and metal fabrication, foundry practice, emphasizing individual development. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 650 - Pedagogy (3 hours)
Focus of this course is the teaching practice of artistic concepts, foundations of art and subject matter of technical, historical and conceptual content in art curricula. Students will be exposed to the many issues of conveying ideas, and motivating students to make the educational experience meaningful. Practical issues of : teaching philosophy, resources, syllabi creation, assessment and course planning will be part of the discussion. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 660 - Interdisciplinary Studio (1-6 hours)
Advanced work in more than one concentration. May include two- or three-dimensional media; may incorporate installation work, performance, construction, and creative expression with interrelated forms of fine arts and design. Repeatable to maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 660 - Interdisciplinary Studio (1-6 hours)
Advanced work in more than one concentration. May include two- or three-dimensional media; may incorporate installation work, performance, construction, and creative expression with interrelated forms of fine arts and design. Repeatable to maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 660 - Interdisciplinary Studio (1-6 hours)
Advanced work in more than one concentration. May include two- or three-dimensional media; may incorporate installation work, performance, construction, and creative expression with interrelated forms of fine arts and design. Repeatable to maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 660 - Interdisciplinary Studio (1-6 hours)
Advanced work in more than one concentration. May include two- or three-dimensional media; may incorporate installation work, performance, construction, and creative expression with interrelated forms of fine arts and design. Repeatable to maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 670 - Painting Studio (1-6 hours)
Advanced painting in the medium and direction of the student's choice. Emphasis on creative development and technical competence. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 680 - Special Problems (1-6 hours)
Problems in area of students interest as advised by instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 18 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 689 - Design Research and Collaboration (3 hours)
A design problem that responds to social, economic, and environmental concerns created in consultation and collaboration with a corporation, institution, or government agency under the supervision of the faculty. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 690 - Seminar (3 hours)
Research and presentation of art topics ranging from history to contemporary concerns of the artist, to interdisciplinary courses consisting of an organized sequence of guest speakers. May be repeated under different topics to a maximum accumulated credit of 18 hours.

ART 694 - Visual Communications and Design Studio (1-6 hours)
Working with hypothetical environments and data, focuses on design development, problem-solving skills, visualization and invention. Concept, exploration emphasized while developing a personal creative vision and understanding of current graphic design practices and technology. Repeatable to a maximum of 33 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 695 - Theory and Criticism (3-6 hours)
Research, discussion and presentation on topics in fine arts and design, including contemporary trends, philosophies, literature and history. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 696 - Advanced Digital Design (3-6 hours)
Advanced work in applied software for web design, animation, rapid prototyping, interactive design and experience design. Repeatable to 9 semester hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 697 - Design Management (3-6 hours)
Development phases of real-world project execution, including: research, problem definition, planning, cost and budget analysis, organization,and presentation of information for business, public institutions, government and the entertainment industry. Repeatable to 9 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

ART 698 - Thesis Exhibition (0-3 hours)
At the beginning of their second semester, studio art M.A. candidates must submit a proposal that defines their evolving work. Full time M.A. candidates register for Art 698 for the third semester. At this time candidates present thesis exhibitions for review by the graduate faculty and other invited participants. A written comprehensive exam also supplements the exhibition. Upon successful completion of all academic and exhibition requirements, students may be invited to continue toward completion of the M.F.A. requirements. Prerequisite: Candidacy for M.A.

ART 699 - Thesis Exhibition M.F.A. (0-3 hours)
At the beginning of the second semester, M.F.A. candidates submit a proposal that defines their evolving thesis work. During the last semester of their final year, all M.F.A. candidates will be registered for Art 699 and will present thesis exhibitions for review by graduate faculty and other invited guests. A written comprehensive exam done in consultation with the student's graduate committee supplements the exhibition. Prerequisite: M.A. and candidacy for M.F.A.

This is the official catalog for the 2024-2025 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.