Post-Award Resources
Post-award responsibilities of investigators primarily fall into four major categories: financial, compliance, hiring, and project execution. All investigators must adhere to University, Federal, state, and private funding rules, regulations, and guidelines so Bradley and the investigators involved in external grants and contracts are protected from the costly repercussions that can arise from non-compliance. Please contact the following offices to ensure all policies are followed when managing an award.
Financial Services will assist with the following:
- signing and executing approved grant agreements (including sub-awards), contracts, and other fiscal agreements on behalf of the University
- establishing grant/contract accounts
- monitoring and reviewing all charges to grant/contract accounts
- ensuring compliance with both University and funding source policies, procedures, and regulations.
Examples include but are not limited to:- Requisitioning Procedures
- Sponsored Projects Expenses
- Procurements Made with Federal Funds
- Formal Bidding Processes for Purchases Exceeding $25,000
- University Technology Purchasing Policy,
- Capital Equipment Tagging, Disposal, and Transfers
- Hiring New Employees using External Funding (see below)
- Time & Effort Reporting
- Business Travel
- Independent Contractor Agreements
- Compensation to Human Research Participants
- preparing and submitting invoices and financial-related reports to funding agencies
- disseminating financial information to project leaders and investigators, as well as to their respective departments
- managing the grants-close out process
- coordinating audit activities for grant accounts
Primary contact: Terry Kenny, Assistant Controller for Grants & Treasury Management
Office of Sponsored Programs assists with the following compliance areas:
Primary contact: Dr. Brad Andersh, Director of Sponsored Programs
Human Resources will assist with all hiring activities, but it is imperative that the hiring is done in consultation with Financial Services to ensure that the terms and conditions of the award are followed. Also, please note the following.
- If students will receive wages to work on the project, the investigators must provide Human Resources (HR) with the full legal name, student ID number, and start date of the student(s) for HR to begin the hiring process.
- The investigators must also work with HR to ensure the students have completed their new employee paperwork and onboarding within the ADP system.
- Students cannot begin work until HR confirms the hiring process is complete. In addition, University policy does not allow students to receive both compensation and course credit for the same effort.
Primary contact:
Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research (CUHSR) assumes the IRB (Institutional Review Board) duties and ensures compliance with Federal regulations regarding human subjects in research. CUHSR also reviews some protocols involving human subjects that may not fall strictly within the scope of the federal definition of research (e.g., quality assurance and improvement activities.)
Primary contact: Dr. Andrew Strubhar, Chair of CUHSR
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews research proposals involving animals to determine if the proposed protocols comply with Federal regulations. They also review requests for proposed changes to ongoing research studies, inspect animal facilities, and investigate any complaints involving the care and use of animals.
Primary contact: Dr. Craig Cady, Chair of IACUC