Limited Submission Policy

Some funding agencies and grant opportunities limit the number of proposals or letters of intent permitted from any given institution. Examples include the NEH Summer Stipend Program and the NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program. This policy describes the process by which proposals from Bradley principal investigators (PIs) will be selected for submission when the number of intended proposals exceeds the submission limits of any given funding opportunity. 

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will make every effort to identify and announce limited submission opportunities affected by this policy on the OSP website and through alerts to department chairs and college deans. However, it is the responsibility of individual PIs to notify OSP of their intent to submit proposals to limited submission opportunities as follows:


PIs must submit a pre-proposal package to notify OSP of their intent to submit to a limited submission opportunity at least 45 days prior to the submission deadline. The pre-proposal package must contain:

  • A copy of the solicitation (if the opportunity is not already identified by OSP);
  • A 2-5 page project description describing the scope, anticipated outcomes, personnel involved, and commitment of required internal resources (match obligations, sabbatical leave or course-release time, etc.);
  • A full budget and budget justification; and
  • A 2-page curriculum vitae/biosketch for the PI and any other key senior personnel. PIs may submit their materials electronically via e-mail ( or by delivering a hard copy to the OSP office in the Kaufman Building.

Internal Review

Members of the OSP Faculty Advisory Board, the OSP Director, and the Associate Provost for Research will discuss and evaluate the proposals. If this group has questions, a person from the appropriate discipline may be asked to consult with an expert opinion. The Associate Provost for Research will notify all applicants of final decisions.

If the number of notifications/submissions received by the 45-day deadline does NOT exceed the limit allowed by the funding opportunity, OSP will accept subsequent notifications/internal submissions on a first-come, first-accepted basis. 


If a selected applicant withdraws his/her intent to submit to a limited submission opportunity, the applicant with the next highest ranking will be notified that he/she may submit a proposal.

Please direct any questions to Brad Andersh, Director of Sponsored Programs: or (309) 677-3493.