Extramural Proposal Routing Process

Bradley University investigators seeking funding from an external entity must:

  1. Work with your immediate supervisor and other administrators to identify the appropriate funding source(s) IF a cost-share is required for the project.
  2. Contact OSP as soon as possible to let us know you are planning to submit a proposal.
  3. Complete CITI Program Financial Conflict of Interest (COI)training at least once every four years
  4. Submit to OSPSignificant Financial Interest (SFI) Disclosure Form at least once every 12 months or within 30 days from when a new SFI is identified.
  5. Abide by all other compliance requirementsas specified by the funding agency.

Proposal Approval Process 

Note: The University no longer uses paper copies or the pdf version of the transmittal form. Please use the Sponsored Programs link within Doc Soup to route proposals.

We encourage everyone to start the routing process TEN days before the submission deadline

  • Submit to OSP, via email, a(n):
    1. Abstract, executive summary, or narrative (if available) for the proposed project
    2. Budget with budget justification
    3. Link to or a digital copy of the agency's program guidelines (RFP) 

OSP will complete an initial review of the documents and consult with Financial Services, when necessary, to ensure compliance with government, funding agency, and University budget policies. Once the review is completed, OSP will contact the PI to let them know the DocSoup approval process can be started. 

DocSoup Transmittal Form and Associated Documents

  • Prepare the transmittal form using DocSoup (carta.bradley.edu/docsoup/)
    • login > Sponsored Programs >  Extramural Proposal Transmittal
  • Upload the proposal narrative, budget, budget justification, Current and Pending Support form(s), a copy of the agency's program guidelines (if unavailable via URL), and any other applicable documents.

Common Challenge: Because assistants complete DocSoup forms for some PIs, the PI MUST approve the document after submitting it in DocSoup. > Go to Action Items within DocSoup to provide the approval.

  • Please inform those listed in the approval process that the proposal is being routed so they know a time-sensitive document will be forthcoming.
  • OSP will verify that the necessary documents have been uploaded, the transmittal form is complete, and all compliance training and paperwork are up-to-date. The packet will then begin the approval process.
  • The individual who has submitted the materials can monitor the document's progress using DocSoup. 
  • After all approvals are obtained, the packet will return to OSP to ensure no requests have been made in the notes within DocSoup to modify the materials.
  • Once the final OSP review is complete, DocSoup will email the individual who submitted the materials.

Note: We recognize that editing of the narrative commonly occurs after the internal routing process has started, but the project's objectives and budget cannot be modified after the internal routing process is complete. If modified, the proposal MUST be rerouted.

Submitting the Proposal to Agency/Foundation/Company

  • In cases where a proposal must be submitted by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR), it is the PI/PD's responsibility to coordinate the submission with the Director of Sponsored Programs (bja@bradley.edu).
  • For all other proposals, the PI/PD must submit the proposal to the funding agency by the specified deadline.

Policy Exceptions: Applications for fellowships or prizes awarded directly to a PD or PI and are not managed by Financial Services (e.g., ACLS or Fulbright Fellowships or a prize from a professional organization) do not need to be routed. However, it is still best to route your proposal before submission. Financial Services will be able to advise you on strategies for preparing a budget, and OSP can serve as an additional check for compliance with the submission guidelines. It also gives your supervisors the chance to recognize and support your efforts.