Administrative Responsibilities During the Routing Process
Principal Investigator / Project Director
The PI/PD is responsible for completing a DocSoup or OneAegis (coming soon) transmittal form and ensuring that the proposal packet is completed and in compliance with funder guidelines/requirements in time for routing.
Co-Principal Investigators and Other Personnel
Co-Principal Investigators and Other Personnel are responsible for working closely with the PI to develop the grant proposal. The routing form should identify the Co-PI/PD and other personnel. They and their Unit Leaders/Department Chairs/Center Directors and College Deans or Division Vice Presidents must approve the submission. By approving the submission, Co-PIs/PDs and other personnel listed in the transmittal form agree to fulfill their roles and obligations described in the proposal.
Immediate Supervisor
By approving the routing form, the immediate supervisor(s) of the PI/PD and Co-Investigators are providing approval to submit the proposal and making the following certifications:
- Your unit will provide administrative support to execute the project.
- Your unit ensures that they will work with other offices to ensure compliance with Bradley University and funder policies (financial, administrative, facility, regulatory requirements, etc.);
- Your unit is committing the unit resources or any unit cost-share described in the proposal.
- Once the project is funded, your unit has or will have the facilities and equipment necessary to complete the project.
- You have reviewed the budget and determined it appears adequate to complete the project.
- Your unit is committed to preventing cost overruns, which are typically the responsibility of the PI and the grant administration unit.
Advancement Office
When a project team seeks funding from a private foundation or a corporate partner, the Advancement Office must approve the submission as an acknowledgment that the application does not interfere with the division's current efforts to cultivate a relationship with the entity.
Center/Institute Director
By approving this application, the Center/Institute/Office Director is both approving the submission of the proposal and making the following certifications:
- The center/institute/office will provide administrative support to execute the project.
- The center/institute/office will work with other offices to ensure compliance with Bradley University and funder policies (financial, administrative, facility, regulatory requirements, etc.);
- The center/institute/office is committing the resources or any unit cost-share described in the proposal.
- Once the project is funded, the center/institute/office has or will have the facilities and equipment necessary to complete the project.
- The director has reviewed the budget and determined it appears adequate to complete the project.
- The center/institute/office is committed to preventing cost overruns. Cost overruns are typically the responsibility of the PI and the unit that administers the grant.
Financial Services
Financial Services responsibilities in the routing process are:
- to check the final budget proposal for accuracy,
- to confirm proposal compliance with funder and University policies and procedures, and
- to provide a review and approval of the submission.
If a project requires additional Library resources (human or capital) beyond its normal function, the Library Director or a designate must approve the proposal before submission. Their approval indicates an awareness of the investigator’s needs and an assessment of their ability to provide the needed resources either internally or via the proposal/contract budget allocation if the project is funded.
If a project requires additional Information Technology (IT) resources (human or capital) beyond its normal function, the Chief Information Officer or a designate must approve the proposal before submission. Their approval indicates an awareness of the investigator’s needs and an assessment of their ability to provide the needed resources either internally or via the proposal/contract budget allocation if the project is funded.
If the investigators request additional space, space modifications/renovations, or other non-standard infrastructure changes to conduct the project, the listed individual must approve the proposal before submission. Their approval indicates an awareness of the investigator’s needs and an assessment of their ability to provide the needed resources either internally or via the proposal/contract budget allocation if the project is funded.
Senior-Level Approver (typically a Dean or Vice President)
By approving the routing form, the Dean or Vice President is providing approval to submit the proposal and making the following certifications:
- The University has administrative control and responsibility for the work.
- Any requested cost-match, compensation, or release time has been appropriately committed, authorized, and approved.
- An understanding of the project's requirements, including requests for additional space, space modifications/renovations, or other non-standard infrastructure changes necessary to conduct the project.
Other Cost Share Approval
By approving the application, individuals beyond those listed above who are committing funds for a cost share are both approving the submission of the proposal and making the following certification:
- The individual or office is committing the resources necessary for the cost-share described in the proposal.
Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for certifying that:
- The proposal has been adequately reviewed.
- The proposal is complete and in line with the funder and University guidelines and requirements,
- the proposal has received the appropriate approvals.
- The PI/PD, Co-PIs/PDs, and other persons named in the proposal have completed required significant financial interest training and disclosures and/or have confirmed their compliance with Bayh-Dole regulations regarding intellectual property.
- Indirect Costs have been requested in compliance with Federal Uniform Guidance requirements,
- In addition, several certifications are required for all proposals submitted to a federal agency regarding disbarment, conflict of interest, influencing members of Congress, drug-free workplace, etc.